Towards a Favourable Legal Climate: Educating Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria

The world has slowly awoken to the importance of women in the economy and polity of a growing economy. Women, often seen and openly referred to as “the weaker vessel” in different cultural climes, have eventually, out of the need to survive, stepped up their game in entrepreneurship. Women now sit at the head of business conglomerates all over the world. In Nigeria, the fog of women marginalization is just beginning to clear and policies which hitherto impeded their advancement are now being addressed to create a level playing field. Among policies being addressed are women inheritance rights and the right to obtain facilities to run their own legitimate business. The research, however, reveals continuous discrepancies between the female and their male counterparts in the limited available resources or opportunities. This paper will be relevant to women in business, policy makers and stakeholders in the Nigerian economy as a whole. In conclusion, women in business should have the support of their male counterparts, policy makers and all involved in business enterprises.