Women Garments Worker and Work Status of Working Women in Bangladesh

There is no critical exertion for figuring out the degree of work government assistance or the size of
work government assistance drives in Bangladesh. There are, 49.5 million of every 2005, 56.7
million monetarily dynamic or dynamic workforce of this country while 54.1 million individuals are
utilized in various areas in 2010).Labour regulation (otherwise called work regulation or business
regulation) intervenes the connection between laborers, utilizing elements, worker’s organizations
and the public authority. In a context of growing concern over gender disparities and its resulting
adverse impacts on society and the economy, the issue of the contribution of women to the national
economy has taken centre stage in development discourse in most countries. There is no denying
that integrating women’s contribution has become a necessity on equity and efficiency grounds for
any economy. It is now widely accepted that women’s labour market participation improves their
relative economic position, and from a broader perspective also stimulates the efficiency and
development potential of the economy. However, traditional gender norms and patriarchal values
often restrict women’smobility and constrain their activities in the labour market. This scenario is
particularly common in South Asian countries, resulting in much lower participation and in
concentration in low-paid activities for women in relation to their male counterparts