Explanation of the Meaning of Article 1 Paragraphs (2) of the 1945 Constitution of Republic of Indonesia to the Concept of the Constitutional Conventions in the Annual Achievement Reports of State Institutions

Amendments to Article 1 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution have changed the Indonesian state administration system, including the power and position of state institutions. This change is a new thought towards state institutions that place the People’s Consultative Assembly which was originally the highest state institution and fully implementer of people’s sovereignty. Furthermore, the people’s mandate is carried out by branches of state power or state institutions based on the Constitution and does not recognize the Supreme State Institution and all state institutions have the same position in the state administration system as executor of people’s sovereignty. This study is to find and formulate legal arguments through an analysis of the subject matter, namely the concept of constitutional conventions. The results of this study explain that Article 1 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution which has been amended gives meaning to the Indonesian state administration system, namely that it has changed the existence of state institutions as implementers of people’s sovereignty. The meaning of Article 1 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution is extended to the customary practice of state administration. Because all state institutions are executor of people’s sovereignty, all these state institutions submit annual performance reports to the people through the convention mechanism.

Assessment and Learning Mathematics Integrated 21st Century Competency-Computational Thinking Skills in Junior High School: Partly Detailed and Completed Intervention Stage

This research is intended to develop the intervention of mathematics assessment and learning in junior high school integrated 21st Century competence-computational thinking skills. The research method is Design-based Research at the partly detailed and completed intervention stage. Twofold yield of the intervention of the research design are prototypical intervention (instructional materials) and its accompanying design principles (design model of assessment and learning). The instructional materials that have been developed are (1) blueprints for assessment and learning, (2) lesson plans containing outline topics, student worksheets, project tasks and homework, and (3) LMS e-Learning. The design principle that accompanies the intervention is a design model for mathematics learning and assessment integrated computational thinking skills. The results of the formative evaluation at the partly detailed and completed intervention stage showed that the development of intervention met the quality criteria of being practical and effective.

The Influence of Social Media on Language Trends South Jakarta Children as the Use of Language Day to Day

Social media is one of the important means, not only to communicate, but also to provide information to broaden horizons. Social media users can easily access and communicate not only with relatives or friends around but all foreign countries, which can provide knowledge about languages and cultures from various countries. The use of language is also evolving along with the development of technology and communication media. The phenomenon of the South Jakarta children’s language is a form of phenomenon created because of the strong and broad influence of social media. This trend refers to the habit of South Jakarta children who communicate using Indonesian and English in their daily lives. The inherent use of this language seems to provide an affirmation of an identity that is finally interesting to study to know the influence of social media in communication, as well as the reason why students code-mixing. This study used a quantitative descriptive research method by distributing questionnaires as a data collection technique. It was found that social media influenced the communication style of students of the Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Lampung by using code mixing because of the creation of interactions that were relaxed, modern, and showed their status as students.

Utilizing Social Constructivism to cultivate teacher educators’ and trainees’ digital competence: energizing learner-centered approach

This article examines the perspective of teacher educators and teacher trainees in an academic teacher education program regarding the application of social constructivist approach in cultivating ICT integration in teacher training, in order to have teachers fit for the 21st Century Education. This article provides an overview of social constructivism and its implications for ICT integration in classroom practices. Objectives of the study were to establish how social processes cultivate teacher educators’ and trainees’ technology knowledge and also to establish how social processes cultivate teacher educators’ and trainees’ technology skills. Participants were teacher trainers and trainees from School of Education, Makerere University and data were collected using focus group discussions. Data were analysed qualitatively by transcription. It was found out that; social interactions indeed cultivate a number of technology knowledge, but participants exhibited low levels of judgment and negotiation, low levels of data management, problem solving and critical thinking skills. It was concluded that; content analysis through team work is a basic technique for developing teacher educators’ and trainees’ technology knowledge and also, the digital skills require continuous active practice and they cannot be attained in isolation of technology knowledge.

Legal Certainty of Income Tax Exemption on the Transfer of Rights to Land in the Sharing of Collective Integration Rights

The transfer of property to certain heirs for the joint ownership of the object of inheritance must be transferred by way of the distribution of joint rights, which is based on the APHB. Article 4 paragraph (3) letter b of the Income Tax Law explains that the transfer due to inheritance is exempt from collecting PPh, but in its implementation it must be accompanied by a PPh SKB issued by KPP Pratama. So that in order to get the income tax exemption on the transition, the heirs must apply for the issuance of the SKB PPh to the KPP Pratama. However, the KPP Pratama often refuses the issuance of the SKB PPh, this results in the heirs having to pay PPh on the transition. This study uses a normative juridical method with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach, and legal materials are analyzed using a deductive method. The results of this study indicate that the transfer of land rights by the distribution of joint rights of inheritance should be exempted from income tax, because the distribution of joint rights is still included in the series of inheritance processes, so the transfer of income tax collection must be exempted. So that legal reform is needed to provide legal certainty in the exemption of PPh on the transition.

Relationship between Skills and Efficiency of Learning Vietnamese by Cognitive Technology: A Case Study of Foreigners Student in Vietnam Universities

Since Vietnam is integrating internationally in all aspects of social life, more and more foreigners are learning Vietnamese. However, there are still very few quantitative studies on the effective teaching and learning of Vietnamese idioms. This study aims to fill the theoretical gap and provide more evidence on the relationship between skills and effectiveness in learning Vietnamese phrases. This study was conducted through a cross-sectional survey using purposeful sampling (n=100). The multivariate linear regression analysis technique is applied to prove the hypotheses. The R language is used to analyze research data. Research results show that problem-solving, general, and synthetic thinking skills have a positive and meaningful impact on the effectiveness of learning Vietnamese idioms. The results of this study continue to confirm the role of cognitive techniques in learning idioms as the results of previous studies.