Entries by Admin Ijssers

The Influence of Organizational Support, Professional Responsibility, and Job Satisfaction toward Teachers’ Performance at TK RA ‘Aisyiyah in Academic Year 2022/2023 in Jetis Sub-district of Ponorogo Regency

The purpose of this study is to find the influence of organizational support, professional responsibility, and job satisfaction toward teachers’ performance at TK RA ‘Aisyiyah in the academic year 2022/2023 in Jetis Sub-district of Ponorogo Regency. This study used a quantitative approach and was tested by regression analysis. Three independent variables included organizational support, professional […]

Principal Supervision Management in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun

This paper is the result of a field study conducted at one of the educational institutions in the Madiun district, namely SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo. This study aims to determine the principal’s supervision management and its impact on improving teacher performance. The research method used is a case study with data collection techniques in the […]

Responsibility of the Heirs for the Submission of Notary Protocol

The legal responsibilities of heirs in submitting and storing notary protocols by heirs are complex because they involve various parties, procedures and legal regulations that must be obeyed. Heirs as recipients of the notary protocol have the responsibility to carry out this process in accordance with applicable legal provisions. considering vital documents that record legal […]

Parents-Children Communication: Islamic Approach

This study intends to review pertinent literature on embracing Islamic values which are significantly relevant in strengthening parents-children relationship in the modern world. The prominent Qur’anic verses on communication values among humankinds in general, parenting roles, parenting skills, child-to-parents mannerism and the rights of children to communicate in a family are covered broadly with the […]

The Effects of Climate, Madrasah Principal Leadership, and Emotional Intelligence on the Performance of MI Plus Al-Islam Dagangan Madiun Teachers

This study aims to determine the effect of climate, the leadership of the madrasa head, and emotional intelligence on the performance of MI Plus Al-Islam Dagangan Madiun teachers. The population in this study were all teachers at MI Plus Al-Islam Dagangan Madiun, totaling 80 people with a sampling technique that is a saturated sample. This […]

Funding Management to Improve Human Resource Empowerment (Case Study at MI Ma’arif Panjeng Jenangan Ponorogo)

In order to realize optimal education in madrasa needs professional management. It can happen if supported by adequate funding sources because education without funding will not work. The provision of BOS funds by the government is a breakthrough program to help finance schools. However, in the implementation process, it experiences many obstacles. As experienced by […]

Transformational Leadership of Female Ulama in Improving Education Quality (Case Study at Mamba’ul Ma’arif Islamic Boarding School Denanyar Jombang)

This study aims to formulate in depth related to: How is the transformational leadership of Female Ulama in defining success. Analyzing the internal-external context, setting strategies, building capacity, negotiating authority in improving the quality of education. This study uses a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, […]

Finding Common Ground: Factors that Unify Farming Communities in Leyte and Samar

This study examines the interplay of identified common grounds (e.g., traditions, ancient rites, religious beliefs) that impacts on unifying farming communities in Leyte and Samar. Through a qualitative approach, the researchers explored how shared values, rituals, and a sense of identity stemming from these cultural elements promote collaboration, sustainable agricultural practices, and community cohesion among […]