Entries by Admin Ijssers

A Comparison Study of Linguistic Features in English Ads for Men and Women: A Case Study

This article is aims to shed light on providing a better understanding of linguistic features in English advertisements (hereinafter shortened to ads) for men and women using the descriptive, analytic, comparative and statistical methods to process the 92-sample database collected from four well-known magazines for men and  three well-known magazines for women. The research shows […]

Quality Assurance in Improving the Quality of Human Resources (Multisite Study at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

The purpose of this study is to describe in depth about 1) policies in improving the quality of Human Resources 2) Standards in improving the quality of Human Resources 3) Implementation in improving the quality of Human Resources 4) Control in improving the quality of Human Resources. This research uses a qualitative type with a […]

The Role of Social Media in Academic Motivation and Engagement: A Case Study of Undergraduate Students in Vitenam

This study examines the impact of social media on academic motivation and engagement among undergraduate students in Vietnam. Regression analysis reveals that motivation, engagement, and study habits influence students’ use of social networks for learning. Motivation shows a positive and significant relationship with media use, supporting previous research emphasizing its role in academic success. Social […]

The Impact of School Sports on the Development of Students’ Social Skills: Evidence in Vietnam

This article investigates the influence of school sports on students’ social skills through regression analysis. The study analyzes the variables of self-esteem, communication skills, teamwork skills, and empathy. The findings demonstrate meaningful and positive associations between these variables and social skills. These results underscore the significance of integrating school sports programs as a strategy to […]

Empirical Case Studies on the Economic and Political Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative in Pakistan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, and Montenegro

The Belt and Road Initiative has had a wide range of effects on participating countries. Its economic and political implications continue to raise important questions about China’s global influence using soft power. The BRI initiative has the potential to accelerate globalization and boost domestic economies. This paper analyzes the BRI’s involvement in three geopolitical regions […]

The Impact of Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) Sustainability Disclosure on Accounting Performance: A Case Study of Firms in Liberia

This research investigates the relationship between sustainability disclosure and accounting performance of companies listed on the Liberian Stock Exchange. The study focuses on the natural resources, industrial goods, and oil and gas sectors, selecting 20 out of 24 firms through stratified sampling. Given Liberia’s strive for economic stability and sustainable development following a prolonged civil […]

The Effect of Product Quality and Price Perception on Purchasing Decisions for Tango Wafers in Surabaya

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of product quality and price perception on purchasing decisions for Wafer Tango in Surabaya. This research method uses quantitative research methods where the dependent variable is purchasing decisions and the independent variables in this study are product quality and price perception. The number […]

The Status of Training Presentation Skills of Ethnic Minority Students in Tuyen Quang

The presentation not only helps students improve their communication skills but also contributes to promoting other positive relationships. However, the content and methods of education in high schools today still attach great importance to the teaching of scientific knowledge and study skills and have not paid enough attention to the education of presentation skills  public […]