Entries by Admin Ijssers

Blackness: The Color of Otherness in Kennedy’s Funnyhouse of a Negro and Genet’s the Maids

Adopting the perspective of critical race theory grounded in Black Existentialism, this article argues that we should consider Black Drama beyond conventional conceptions of author, identity, or content, expanding the category to consider abject human life and misery beyond the color line as exemplified by Kennedy’s ‘Funnyhouse of a Negro’ (1964) and Genet’s ‘The Maids’ […]

Understanding the Concept of Sunda Wiwitan Religion in the Baduy Community in Indonesia Related to Environmental Management

The Sunda Wiwitan religion is a sect of worship of natural forces and ancestral spirits which is commonly called animism and dynamism. Sunda Wiwitan is believed to be the ‘religion’ of the Sundanese people in the past, which later became a religion attached to the Baduy tribe. The next development, the Sunda Wiwitan religion cannot […]

Tax Obligations for Small and Medium Micro Enterprises (Umkm) References to PP Number 23 of 2018 (Case Study on Sharia Cooperative Business 45 in Mataram City)

This study takes the title: “Tax Obligations for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) based on PP Number 23 of 2018 Application of Government Regulation Number 23 of 2018 (Case Study on 45 Sharia Cooperative Businesses in Mataram City). The objective of the financial writer in this study is to analyze reports on the acceptance […]

Men’s Experiences of Gender Based Violence in Selected Compounds of Lusaka Urban

The study investigated men’s experiences of Gender Based Violence in selected compounds of Lusaka Urban. The study adopted an interpretivist perspective which seeks to understand participants’ lived experiences of Gender based Violence. The study was conducted in two compounds of Lusaka Urban. The study sites were chosen because of their high prevalence of Gender Based […]

Principal’s Visionary Leadership in Improving Competitiveness

The purpose of this study is to describe in depth: How the visionary principal is a direction setter, agent of change and implements change strategy steps to improve school competitiveness. This study uses a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and a multi-site study design. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. […]

Core Curriculum Planning in Madrasa to Increase the Quality of Education at MTsN 2 Jombang Indonesia

Madrasa are Islamic educational institutions oriented towards Islamic learning and general science in an integrated manner. The Madrasa curriculum is designed so that students can study Islamic religious knowledge in depth and general knowledge like schools in general. In boarding school-based madrasas, the madrasa curriculum is integrated with the boarding school curriculum with a more […]

Communication towards the Vehicle of Community Interaction (Analysis of Sociology of Contemporary Communication)

Sociology of communication, a branch of social science, discusses the process of social interaction as a forum for conveying ideas in society in modern times. The long form of social order is the result of social interaction carried out by social groups, this order is formed because of the relationship between one human being and […]

The Influence of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Environment: A Literature Review

This study examines the influence of emotional intelligence in the working environment that will affect both employee and company performance. This area of study involves people, the environment in which they live and work, how they affect their environment, and the effect that environment has upon them. Emotional intelligence is tied to adaptation, which is […]