Entries by Admin Ijssers

Assessment of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Senior High School Business Teachers in the Central Region, Ghana

The study explored business teachers’ level of Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Senior High Schools in the Central Region of Ghana and examined the differences in teachers’ level of TPACK on the basis of some demographic variables using the mixed methods approach. The study used descriptive survey design. Simple random sampling technique was […]

Education in Chile: Towards the Virtualization of our Educational Future?

This article proposes a study of the evolution of educational offers of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in a virtual or semi-virtual mode in Chile, based on its explosive increase, analyzed data, and breakdown of implications. Higher education, after this analysis, evidently expresses a new context of reality in professional training; we are experiencing a new […]

Rule-Based Automation in Moodle for Self-Instructional Learning

The design and development of a self-instructional course within a Moodle learning management system (LMS) requires consideration of various elements and operational definitions to achieve effective implementation. This study aims to specify, in a practical way, procedures and automation guidelines in Moodle based on the experience of instructional design; and the structuring of online activities […]

Adopting Corporate Social Responsibility in Maqasid Shari’ah: PETRONAS Initiatives

This paper aims to evaluate the significant contributions PETRONAS has put towards improving the living of respective stakeholders through a series of Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) by adopting the approach of Maqasid Shari’ah – Islamic legal doctrine that promote the welfare of people by protecting the following categories: faith (hifz ad-din), property (hifz al-mal), soul […]

Measuring the Influence of Interest on Digital Marketing Performance among SMEs in Sarawak with Data Management Capabilities as the Mediator

Digital Marketing has gained spectacular popularity amongst the Small and Middle Enterprises (SMEs) in Sarawak. This phenomenon was triggered due to how much they struggled to survive during the recent impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, not many among those digital players realize that the abilities in data management are the key to the success […]

Analysing the Flow of Intra-Industry Trade in the Central African Monetary Community

This paper empirically examines the flow of Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) intra-industry trade at different sectors and product categories using the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). An augmented gravity model of trade was adopted to analyse changes in the different sectors and product categories from 1995 to 2015; this is the time […]

Constructing Gendered Identities and Agency through Classroom Discourse in a Foreign Language Learning Context

This study investigates constructing gendered identities and agency through classroom discourse in a foreign language context by drawing on data collected through semi-structured interviews and classroom observations in two Foundation Institutes in the Arabian Gulf. Informed by poststructural feminism, Foucault’s (1972) power relations, and Butler’s (2004) performativity theories, the article investigates how students’ behaviors in […]

Teachers Emotional Well-Being: The Role of Demographic Variables in Mediating Workload and Emotional Exhaustion

The relationship between workload and emotional exhaustion is dynamic. Various demographic variables mediate between workload and emotional exhaustion, including gender, age, marital status, level of education, work experience, number of lessons per week, teaching subject, and the school category. However, there is a lack of current information on various demographic valuables’ role in the relationship […]