Some Historical Place Name in Tan Trao

Tan Trao is a mountainous district of Tuyen Quang province, with an important strategic position in terms of politics, economy and national defense and security. In the history of the nation’s struggle to build and defend the country, places in Tan Trao (Tan Trao commune, Son Duong district, Tuyen Quang province) are always associated with important historical events. This article studies the main historical site of Nha Phap (Ministry of Home Affairs) the resistance war against the French – a witness to the heroic historical period of the nation.

Teaching Professionalism: Comparison of Teachers in Training

This study examined teaching professionalism: a comparison of teachers in training. The design for the study is ex-post-facto. The sample included 46 males and 89 females who had done the first and second teaching practice exercises. The data were collected using the Teaching Performance Assessment Form and analysed using mean, paired sample t-test and analysis of variance statistics. The hypotheses were tested at an alpha significance level of 0.05. Results indicate (i) no significant difference between students’ first and the second teaching practice exercise, (ii) no significant difference in students’ performance based on gender, (iii) a non-significant difference in the performance of students as regards their course of study.

Development of Poetry Writing Textbooks in Indonesian Language Subjects for Junior High School Students

This research includes research and development (Research and Development), which aims to describe the development of poetry writing textbooks in Indonesian subjects for junior high school students. The subjects in this study were students and class teachers at VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Dau Malang. The development model used in this study is the R2D2 development model (Recursive, Reflective Design and Development model), which consists of three stages: (1) defining, (2) designing and developing, and (3) disseminating. The development of poetry writing textbooks on Indonesian subjects has gone through a trial process consisting of individual trials, small group trials, and class trials. Textbooks for writing poetry on Indonesian subjects developed have been validated by validators and have undergone revisions so as to get very feasible and practical results for use in learning. The development of poetry writing textbooks in Indonesian subjects consists of (1) covers, (2) book usage guidelines, (3) Pancasila student strengthening profiles (P4), (4) activities, (5) literacy skills, (6) new vocabulary, (7) perception, (8) material, (9) audio features, (10) video features, (11) game features, (12) diagnostic assessment features, (13) diversity of question forms, (14) hots questions, and (15) enrichment features. The fifteen points developed have met the criteria and have a very valid level, so they are very feasible and practical to use in the Indonesian learning process.

Education Relationship with the Community in a Sociological Per Spective

This study aims to describe: the relationship between education and society, the notion of education, the notion of society, and the sociology of education. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The information obtained came from one of the teachers who taught at the research site and the surrounding community. The results of this study are the development of education, community participation in education, and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the relationship between education and the community, namely the development of education in the research area is quite good, the community participates in activities carried out by the school, for example when holding competitions, supporting factors that is, there is a systematic program and planning, the condition of the school organization is quite good and the inhibiting factor is the lack of public understanding of the importance of having a relationship between parents and school, the road to school is quite far. Efforts to overcome these obstacles are to provide information as clearly as possible to parents about what is on the agenda in meetings or meetings between parents and the school.

The Effect of Work Placement and Work Discipline on Employee Morale through Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable at the Mercury Hotel Banjarmasin with the SEMPLS-Warppls 7.0 application

This study aims to determine the effect of work placement and work discipline on work morale with organizational commitment as an intervening variable. The population in this study were permanent employees of the Mercury Hotel Banjarmain with a sample of 59 permanent employees, using the quota sampling method. The method of data analysis in this study used SEM with the PLS program 7.0. The results of the study prove that there is an effect of work placement on morale, work discipline on work morale, work placement on organizational commitment, work discipline on organizational commitment, organizational commitment to work morale. There is no influence of work placement on morale through organizational commitment. There is the influence of work discipline on work morale with mediation by organizational commitment.

Exploring Learner Behavior within School Context: A Study of Disciplinary Committees in Selected Secondary Schools of Southern Zambia

This study aimed at establishing how disciplinary committees managed learner behaviour within the school context. The objectives of the study were to: establish how Disciplinary Committees dealt with acts of indiscipline; explore the perceptions of head teachers, deputy head teachers, senior teachers, class teachers and pupils on indiscipline; and identify strategies used by Disciplinary Committees in handling pupil indiscipline in selected secondary schools of Southern, Zambia. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select the head teachers, deputy head teachers, and class teachers, while random sampling procedure was employed to select pupils who participated in the study. The findings of the study revealed that punishment in form of manual work, suspension, and forced transfers were used. However, the penalty depended on the gravity of the case and this was done depending on the case done by the learners. With regard to the perceptions of the pupils and members of the disciplinary committees, it was found that most pupils knew where to report the cases of indiscipline in school.  They also perceived these committees as effective enough in combating pupil indiscipline in school. As regards the strategies used by disciplinary committees to overcome indiscipline in schools, it was found that sensitization of the learners proved to be the most effective way of improving pupil behavior in schools. Furthermore, incorporating guidance and counselling services was yet another important method which the schools employed. Based on the findings, the study recommended inter alia that regular marking of the school attendance register by teachers should be enhanced and students who absent themselves from school without permission from the school should be dealt with so as to serve as deterrent measure to others. Disciplinary committees in schools should also consider having meetings more frequently so that they can discuss new ways and means of fighting Indiscipline.

Improving Students’ Vocabulary through Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Great Aceh

Purpose: This study examines the enhancement of vocabulary among third-grade students at one of SMPN (Junior High Schools) in Great Aceh by utilizing the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach. The primary objective of this study is to determine the notable disparity in students’ vocabulary when employing the CLT method.

Methods: The target population consists of all third-grade students at SMPN, class IX-2 serving as the experimental group and class IX-4 as the control group. Fifty-three students were randomly selected to participate, 26 in the experimental and 27 in the control classes. Data was collected through a pre-test and post-test using two comprehension tests and implementing three techniques: experimental teaching, tests, and a questionnaire. The test comprised 25 questions, including 13 multiple-choice and 12 fill-in-the-blank items, while the questionnaire consisted of 10 Likert Scale questions. The data were analyzed using the t-test in the SPSS program and a statistical formula.

Results: The findings showed that the utilization of the CLT method led to an improvement in students’ vocabulary.

Conclusion: The analysis indicated that when comparing the results of the two tests, the difference between the control class (8.22) and the experimental class (51.23) demonstrated a significant enhancement. Furthermore, the t-test analysis revealed that the value of 0.05 (a = 5%) was more significant than the t-result (0.000), confirming the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (Ha).

Assistance for Broiler Carcas Evaluation and Marketing Management in Gianyar District

Broiler chicken meat is a food ingredient that contains good nutrition for human needs. Low prices, good taste and aroma, soft texture and relatively easy to find in the market make broiler chicken meat an alternative food that is liked by almost everyone. This assistance will carry out counseling regarding any information that needs to be considered in the content of broiler chicken carcass and meat. Furthermore, bookkeeping assistance such as diaries, cash books, production cost calculations, profit or loss calculations are not yet available properly as well as product packaging assistance to make it more hygienic and marketing procedures.

Marketing Based Product and Accounting Bookkeeping of Silver Industry in Sukawati Gianyar

Jewelry and silver handicrafts in Indonesia are unique in their carved motifs, including floral or leaf motifs as well as motifs characteristic of empires and kingdoms which have their own philosophical meaning, this indicates the high level of expertise and thoroughness of silver craftsmen in Indonesia. In terms of business management, silversmiths still do not fully implement management principles. Governance starting from making product designs, financial management and the entire HR (employee) work process is carried out by the owner as well as the manager. For this reason, partner assistance is carried out in the hope of helping the preservation of the silver industry in Bali.

Factor Affecting Business Sustainability of MSMEs in Gresik Regency

The study was aims to explain the factors that influence business sustainability of MSMEs using external environment, entrepreneurial characteristics, technological sophistication, and business performance as variables in Gresik regency. The study uses a quantitative approach. The sample on this study was MSMEs perpetrators in Gresik regency. Non-sampling sampling with technical compulsions is used to acquire samples from as many as one hundred respondents. While the technique for data analysis is PLS (Partial Least Square), validity tests, reliability tests, and hypothesis testing are also conducted. According to the findings of the study, the external environment, entrepreneurial characteristics, technological sophistication, and business performance all have a positive impact on the business sustainability of MSMEs in Gresik Regency.