Disharmony of Foreign Citizens’ Ownership Rights on Flat Units According To Law Number 11 of 2020 Concerning Job Creation

Public needs related to residents are increasing due to increasing population growth. However, the available land as a place to live is increasingly limited, giving rise to a multi-storey building business called flats which is useful in reducing and making land use more effective. Utilization of land isn’t only for Indonesian citizens but also foreigners, according to the Basic Agrarian Law, foreigners can only have the status of Use Rights in ownership of flats, while in the Job Creation Law it is possible to have ownership rights with Building Rights, resulting in overlapping rules and potential legal uncertainty for foreigners. Therefore, the government needs to provide an explanation regarding the implementation or revision procedure, especially in the ownership of flats. The study was conducted to describe the concept of ownership rights for foreigners in Indonesia and the disharmony of land ownership for foreigners in Indonesia according to the Job Creation Law, Agrarian Law and other related regulations, through qualitative research methods, namely normative juridical with a statute approach and a conceptual approach.

Exploring the Perceptions and Experiences of Some Freshmen Using Online Registration System in Niger

Web-based services offer users convenient access to and the ability to manipulate information that is of concern to such services. Not only does online registration address the manageability issue of a growing student population, but it also ensures greater constancy and reusability of information. These advantages in turn lead to better productivity and hence better quality of the overall registration system. Furthermore, online system can be used not only for registration, but also for making payments, accessing school record, and updating information. Using a descriptive sequential qualitative-quantitative method, this paper investigated the perceptions and experiences of some freshmen concerning online registration system as opposed to traditional paper-based central registration system. Data were collected from 28 participants at a medium size public university in Niger via online questionnaires and online group discussions. The study found that participants are in general very receptive to online registration system and that Computer Skills positively correlated with Perceptions. These results have implications for Niger’s public institutions of higher education wishing to innovate or revolutionize their registration system to better manage the growing number of incoming freshmen each year.

Implementation of the Five Language Continuum in the Development of Early Childhood Speech Skills

Early childhood is a golden age where children will grow and develop rapidly, so aspects of their development must be maximized. One of the components of language development is speaking. This study aims to describe the application of the Five Language Continuum in realizing Early Childhood Speaking Ability at Kindergarten Khadijah Wonorejo Surabaya.

The research method was carried out qualitatively using a descriptive approach. The respondents were the children of Kindergarten Khadijah Wonorejo Surabaya and their teachers. Data collection techniques in this study are observations, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques in this study were used by Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data visualization, and conclusion. The main result of this study is that children’s speaking skills are significantly developed by applying the five continuum languages. The main conclusion of this study is the application of the five language continuity, which is very helpful in development. This study’s main conclusion is that applying the five language continuums helps develop children’s speaking skills.

ICT Needs Assessment for Teaching and Learning of English Language in Junior Secondary Schools in North Central Nigeria

The study assessed ICT needs for the teaching and learning of English language in Junior Secondary School in North Central Nigeria. A quantitative and qualitative survey design (mixed methods procedure) was used for this study. A well structured questionnaire was used to collect information from a sample population of 3,300. Prior to this, pilot study was carried out for reliability of instruments for data collection with relevance statistical packages. The data collected from this study were scored, coded and analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and descriptive statistics was used to present and interpret the results. Qualitative methods involved the use of oral interview questions to collect data from 12 purposively selected student respondents. From the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made: A certificate in computer and ICT literacy should be part of minimum qualification for the teaching appointment for junior secondary schools teachers in North Central Nigeria, teachers and learners should be empowered to procure computers for personal use through loans from co-operative societies, banks and the government. A supervisory body that should monitor utilization of ICT facilities by teachers during lesson delivery should be set up by the basic school management.

Implementation of the “TANDUR” Model with Script Card Media in Learning Local Content in Regional Languages (Javanese) in Elementary Schools

This research was motivated by the suboptimal use of innovative media for grade III students in elementary school. In addition to this, the learning strategies he uses have also not contributed to improving the quality of learning outcomes. Based on observations, results were obtained that the use of Javanese in students’ daily activities was very low. The language used by students is generally Indonesian, so students generally find it difficult to ask or answer questions given by the teacher using Javanese. In addition to this, in the school environment, Javanese is rarely used. In terms of using strategies, it is still monotonous and 80% still use conventional learning strategies. This is what underlies class action research, to improve the quality of Javanese language learning in elementary schools. This study generally aims to improve the quality of Javanese language learning by applying the innovative learning model “TANDUR” using Javanese script cards. The research method used is Participation Action Research (PAR) which adopts Kemmis & Mc. Taggart model which is carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of one meeting. The data collection techniques used are observation sheets for the implementation of learning, tests, and field notes. The results showed a significant improvement in the process of using the “TANDUR” model and an increase in student learning outcomes which reached 81.5% in cycle I, and 92% in cycle II. Meanwhile, regarding the use of Javanese script cards 95% stated that they were very happy and easier to understand the learning material. Overall, it can be concluded that the application of the “TANDUR” model using the media of script cards in Javanese language learning can improve the quality of learning in grade III elementary school.

Instructional Planning: Its Importance and Basic Components

This work traverses Instructional Planning, its importance, and attendant elements that facilitate the deconstruction of the curriculum into deliverable and interactive relationships between teachers and learners. As an African saying goes, “when spider webs unite, they can trap a lion.”  Gestalt Psychology also tells us that “the whole is equal to the sum of its parts” (Rathus, 2000).

Qualification of Copyrights as Objects on Fiduciary Warranty Objects

The economic and legal development of Copyright in Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright provides new regulations regarding Copyrights that can be used as objects of Fiduciary Guarantees. Article 16 paragraph (3) UUHC provides an opportunity to bind Copyrights as objects of Fiduciary Guarantees, Copyrights include intangible movable objects that are born in a declarative manner. However, based on the Civil Code, whoever has a right or proposes an act to confirm his right, or to refute the rights of others, must prove the existence of that right or the existence of such an act. The regulation regarding Copyright as the object of Fiduciary Guarantee is in accordance with the provisions on the loading, registration and transfer of Fiduciary Guarantee in Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantee. Philosophically, copyright as a material right is in accordance with the legal system of objects in Indonesia where each “object” and “right” can be controlled by property rights, as “intangible objects” which can be used as objects of guarantee as mandated by UUHC. The regulation of copyright as a fiduciary guarantee must have clear and detailed qualifications related to the assessment of copyright in each type of copyright that has been stipulated in the UUHC, there must be new operational regulations on fiduciary guarantees for each type of copyright so that it can be fully Fiduciary guarantees can be carried out in the banking sector.

Approaches to Language Teaching: Criticism from Theory to Practice

The criticism of any approach should be based on clear regulations. When we criticise any theory, our intention is that this criticism should meet some crucial requirement that should be systematic and not sporadic. “Systematic”, means that it is based on a specific set of principles or criteria, which are the same set of principles that are used in such a way as to evaluate all the existing teaching/learning theories. These principles are described as psychologically motivated principles, which are the richness of the input, the building of the students’ competency, and their involvement in meaningful communicative acts. The exhibition of an approach such as the Audiolingual methodology pushes us to investigate the question, what is problematic with it in the light of the learning criteria? One of the Audiolingual methodology’s apparent weaknesses is the output and the comprehensibility of the input. The Communicative Approach is good, but it is criticised because it does not provide a rich input. How can students communicate if the teachers fail to expose them to some linguistic stimulus? The Total Physical Response is known for the richness of the input, but the performance is poor. This paper is about learning how to criticise any language teaching approach and how to define a good one. The evaluation is not based on the students’ outcome, but on the benefit of finding out why a certain approach did not work in terms of what is taking place in the learners’ mind during the learning process.

Forensic Accounting and Detection of Occupational Fraud in Nigerian Deposit Money Banks

Banks play a vital role in the intermediation of financial resources in the financial system. However, the recurrent nature of fraud has made deposit money banks less effective. The study aims to examine the effect of forensic accounting on the detection of occupational fraud in Nigerian deposit money banks with a specific focus on data mining techniques, computer-assisted audit techniques, and trend analysis. Data were collected from primary sources using a well-structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and ordinary least square (OLS) regression. The result shows that R2 and R2 Adjusted has the value of 0.917484 and 0.901904. The study then conclude that data mining technique has a significant positive effect on occupational fraud detection while the computer-assisted audit technique has a significant positive effect on occupational fraud detection and that trend analysis has a significant positive effect on occupational fraud detection. This finding implies that the detection of occupational fraud will be enhanced when forensic accounting technique is employed. The study therefore recommends, that deposit money banks should enhance the internal control systems with data mining techniques, computer-assisted audit techniques, and trend analysis feature to uncover asset misappropriation fraud in Nigerian deposit money banks by the central bank of Nigeria.