ICT Needs Assessment for Teaching and Learning of English Language in Junior Secondary Schools in North Central Nigeria

The study assessed ICT needs for the teaching and learning of English language in Junior Secondary School in North Central Nigeria. A quantitative and qualitative survey design (mixed methods procedure) was used for this study. A well structured questionnaire was used to collect information from a sample population of 3,300. Prior to this, pilot study was carried out for reliability of instruments for data collection with relevance statistical packages. The data collected from this study were scored, coded and analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and descriptive statistics was used to present and interpret the results. Qualitative methods involved the use of oral interview questions to collect data from 12 purposively selected student respondents. From the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made: A certificate in computer and ICT literacy should be part of minimum qualification for the teaching appointment for junior secondary schools teachers in North Central Nigeria, teachers and learners should be empowered to procure computers for personal use through loans from co-operative societies, banks and the government. A supervisory body that should monitor utilization of ICT facilities by teachers during lesson delivery should be set up by the basic school management.