Study of Ethnic Culture on Critical Thinking about NKRI in the Jagoi Babang District, Bengkayang Region, Indonesian Border, and Malaysia

This research is titled Cultural Studies Ethnic To Critically Think About the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in the District of Good Gaping Regency on the Boundaries of Indonesia and Malaysia. Investigate Variables, Examine culture ethnicity (X) and Capacity Think Causally (Y). The method employed is a survey with a causal qualitative approach to path analysis, including the steps of determining the tools (instruments), collecting data, organizing, and analyzing data. Primary data (instrument distribution based on a Likert scale) and secondary data (documentation studies related to research problems) are used to collect information. 190 people were sampled from six villages and fourteen hamlets with a total population of 6047. Long-term maintenance of justice, equity, and community development at the grass-roots level in Indonesia through policy formulation is an organizational unit based on research findings. Reviewing the culture, infrastructure, facilities, and better human resources from the corner of the relevant department, which has been tasked with enhancing the ability to think critically about the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, particularly in its border region with Sarawak East Malaysia, and enhancing the department’s degree of responsibility. This could serve as a reference for a long-term impact study because community-culture-supporting party stakeholders provide the best assurance. Consider this for six months. outside this study are: 1. Reports on research, financial statements, and logbooks. 2. Articles generated by seminar outcomes (certificates and photos of activities). 3. Innovative products that enrich teaching materials, guidelines, models, and policies. 4. Submit scientific articles published in reputable national or international journals, such as : International Journal Of Research And Review

Legal Protection of Children from Mixed Marriage Living in Indonesia

Marriage is a legal bond between a man and a woman for a long time. Mixed marriages are marriages between two people in Indonesia subject to different laws, due to differences in citizenship and one of the parties is a citizen of Indonesia. The research entitled Legal Protection of Children from Mixed Marriages Living in Indonesia was conducted to know how the status of children born from mixed marriages according to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Legal Protection for children about civil rights as a result of mixed marriages according to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Law Number 12 of 2016 concerning Citizenship. This study uses a normative juridical research method, which concludes that children born from mixed marriages get guaranteed legal certainty according to Law Number 12 of 2016 concerning Citizenship in terms of citizenship status because they have lived in Indonesia for at least 5 (five) consecutive years come along. Then the child also gets his civil rights, namely the right to know his origin, the right to get maintenance and education from his parents, the right to be represented in all legal actions inside and outside the court, and the right to take care of the child’s property, as well as the right to inherit. The results of this study are expected to provide legal protection for children about civil rights resulting from mixed marriages.

Personality, Parenting Styles and Psychopathology among Inmates in Selected Nigerian Prisons

This study assessed the prevalence of psychopathology, assessed the personality traits, determined the relationship between personality traits and psychopathology and the relationship between parenting style and psychopathology among inmates in Kirikiri Medium and Maximum prison. These were with a view to providing information to stakeholders, social workers and mental health workers on how personality and parenting style relate to psychopathology and how each stakeholder can bring their expertise to lessen the psychological burden of incarceration.

The study adopted a descriptive survey design. It was carried out at the Kirikiri Medium and Maximum prison Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria. Three hundred and eighty male inmates were selected for the study using a simple random and proportionate sampling technique due to the difference in the population of the two prisons. A battery of instruments was used for the study namely the, Big Five Inventory-10, Parental Attitude Questionnaire and the General Health Questionnaire- 12. A section of the questionnaire obtained socio- demographic information, crime convicted for, duration of sentence, length of stay and a question on substance use. Data obtained was analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages. Pearson product moment correlation was used to test for relationship between the variables while t-test was used to test for difference.

Mathematical Modelling of the Number of Philippines Population

The population of the Philippines keep increasing and many other aspects that affects from the growth of the population. This study focused on what best fits models being used to predict the main variable which the population in specific year. The researcher uses different statistical tool that is available in Microsoft Excel Data Analysis ToolPack to create a model. From that result, the researcher easily chooses where the best fit model is and predicts the main variable. Also, the researcher uses simple linear regression and multiple linear regressions to determine if the main variable has statistically significant relationship to the other variable. Based on the results, the best fit models are the polynomial which is sextic. As a result, the research found out that every year the population increase inconsistently.

The Effect of Minimum Wage on Employment Opportunity with Quality of Human Resources as Moderating Variables in Central Java

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the influence between the minimum wage and employment opportunities and the quality of human resources as a moderation variable. This study uses secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau Statistics (BPS). In this study, the data collected is panel data consisting of ten regencies/cities with the highest LFPR levels and ten regencies/cities with the lowest LFPR levels in Central Java Province within a span of 5 years, starting from 2016 – 2020. This research uses a quantitative approach by converting the results of all observations into numerical which is then analyzed through statistics. Based on the effect of research and data analysis using t-tests showed that: (1) There is the influence of GRDP on LFPR of Central Java Province, (2) There is an Effect of Minimum Wage on LFPR of Central Java Province, (3) There is no quality of human resources influence on LFPR central Java Province, (4) there is an influence of GRDP moderated by quality of human resources on LFPR of Central Java Province, and (5) and there is no effect of minimum wage moderated by quality of human resources on LFPR Central Java Province.

The Model of Educational Management to Promote Learning of Pali Language at Mahamakut Buddhist University Lanna Campus, Thailand

This research was aimed at 1) investigating the educational management model to promote Pali language learning at Mahamakut Buddhist University, 2) investigating the educational management model to promote Pali language learning at Mahamakut Buddhist University; Lanna Campus, and 3) investigating the results of using this educational management model. Relevant documents were examined, and data were collected from in-depth interviews. Target groups included 1) eight full-time course instructors and 2) three subject instructors. The tool used for data collection was a structured interview form, and data were analyzed using descriptive content analysis.

The results of the study were as follows: 1) The educational management model to promote Pali language learning at Mahamakut Buddhist University was implemented in accordance with the course manual to promote learning that allowed instructors to clearly define the framework of teaching content in their subjects; 2) The educational management model to promote Pali language learning at Mahamakut Buddhist University; Lanna Campus was implemented in accordance with the subject’s teaching plan to expand the framework of teaching content, enabling instructors to organize their teaching activities to cover all contents; and 3) The results of using this educational management model indicated that students got the “B” grade at the highest level and their satisfaction with teaching was at a high level. This played an important role in allowing instructors to know and improve their teaching strengths and weaknesses.

Errors in Writing Paragraph of Non-English Majors at Tay Do University

Most non-English major students faced many problems with writing skills, especially writing paragraphs. This study was carried out to find out the mistakes that make it difficult to write paragraphs for non-English major students at Tay Do University. In this research, the participants were 6 freshmen majored in Tourism at Tay Do University. The investigation was assessed through an interview. The results showed that non-English major students encountered 3 basic errors when writing paragraphs: grammatical errors, layout errors and vocabulary errors. From the research results, a number of measures have been proposed for students to overcome and practice.

Survey of Leading Products of Weaving Fabric of SMEs in Sukarara Village, Jonggat District, Central Lombok Regency

This study aims to analyze the production costs and efficiency of the woven fabric business of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Sukarare Village, Jonggat District, Central Lombok Regency. The research method used is quantitative and qualitative research methods, where the determination of respondents is carried out purposively.

Agroindustry as one of the subsystems that need to be developed in agribusiness, because it has the potential to encourage high economic growth, The income of the weaving agroindustry in Jonggat District, Central Lombok Regency has an average income of Rp. 4.720,000. The value of the R/C ratio in the Woven Fabrics agroindustry in Jonggat District is more than one. This figure shows that the Woven Fabric Agroindustry Business in Jonggat District, Central Lombok Regency is feasible to run.

To increase the production and income of the woven fabric business in the future, further research is needed for the development of traditional weaving activities and efforts to improve superior agro-industrial products/woven fabrics in Sukarara village, Jonggat district, Central Lombok district.

Ma’had Planning Management in Improving the Quality of Madrasah Education in Man 4 Jombang Indonesia

This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the rise of madrasas trying to improve the quality of education through the development of ma’had.  Although the idea of ​​ma’had is identified with pesantren, the characteristics of ma’had born from madrasas are certainly different from ma’had which gave birth to madrasas.  Management’s accuracy or error in understanding these characteristics will determine the position of ma’had as the basis for quality improvement or even increase the burden and distance the madrasa from the ideal quality.  This study took place at MAN 4 Jombang intending to find answers on how to plan the development of ma’had in improving the quality of madrasa education in MAN 4 Jombang.

This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach.  The research location is Ma’had Hasbullah Said MANPK MAN 4 Jombang.  The data collection technique used observation, interview,w, and documentation techniques.  Data analysis includes single case analysis and case analysis with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion analysis techniques.

The results of the ma’had planning management research are the formulation of curriculum and student targets, as well as strategies for procurement, recruitment, and management of educators, curriculum, and financing; The findings of this study strengthen Robbins & Coulter’s theory of management functions that the leading function is more effective than the actuating function.  Strengthen the theory of Total Quality Management (TQM) Sallis.  Supports Crosby’s theory of quality policy.

Utilization of Interactive Board in the Teaching and Learning of Depreciation Accounts in Senior Secondary Schools

The study is on the utilization of interactive board for the teaching and learning of depreciation accounts in Senior Secondary Schools. The study was carried out in some selected secondary schools in educational district V of Lagos state. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the interactive board in the teaching and learning of depreciation account. The study also looked at the constraints in the utilization of the interactive board for teaching depreciation account. Two hypotheses and two research questions were raised for the study. 138 respondents (75 experimental and 63 control) participated in the study. They were assigned to experimental and control groups, respectively. One instrument was used in this study: the Achievement Test on Depreciation (ATD), the reliability of the instrument was tested through a test retest method and reliability index of 0.87 was obtained. The Depreciation Account Lesson (DAL) was presented to the experimental group through the interactive Board, while the conventional lecture method was used for the presentation of the depreciation account lesson to the control group. The results obtained showed that learners exposed to the utilization of the interactive board for learning depreciation account performed significantly better than the control group [F(1, 135) = 251.02 p < .05]. The results also showed that the interactive board is an effective tool for learning depreciation accounting. The study concluded that the interactive board helped to develop cognitive dimensions, reinforcing learning and also encouraging organization of activities. It was therefore recommended that teachers should be trained and equally encouraged to acquire ICT skills. Teachers should also utilize modern instructional materials for classroom teaching and it should be innovative.