Multimodal Reading Model for a Rural Elementary School

This study intends to develop a multimodal learning model to assist teachers in addressing issues related to students’ poor reading performance in a rural elementary school in the Province of Sorsogon, Philippines. The study used the qualitative case study method to achieve its objectives. Data were acquired through document reviews, individual interviews, and focus group discussions with the informants purposefully selected for the study. Results showed that for the school year 2023 to 2024, out of 166 learners, four pupils belonged to the description of meeting expectations; 53 belonged to full intervention; 55 belonged to moderate intervention; and 54 belonged to light intervention. Meanwhile, for the school year 2022 to 2023, out of 202 learners, 30 pupils belonged to the description of meeting expectations; 16 belonged to full intervention; 104 belonged to moderate intervention; and 52 belonged to light intervention. Given this reading performance, this study proposes a multimodal reading model for a rural elementary school. The goal is to enhance the reading proficiency of the pupils by supporting reading teachers who use multimodal reading models to teach non-readers. The teachers’ feedback on using multimodal reading tools revealed both their positive and challenging experiences. Future studies may aim to develop, implement, and evaluate advanced multimodal reading technologies used in autonomous cooperative learning and reading intervention programs and activities.

A Relationship of Traffic Congestion and Class Attendance Motivation among College Students in Davao City, Philippines

Traffic congestion has been observed to be one of the biggest and most prevalent problems on the society. With the policies’ implementation of face-to-face classes to the schools, numbers of college students frequently travel and mainly experience traffic congestion. Thus, transportation is one of many potential obstacles that students may experience when attempting to attend class particularly, students in Davao City as they are exposed to traffic and their classes need face-to-face interaction as a requirement to the institution. The study focuses on the significant relationship between traffic congestion and class attendance motivation.  This study utilized a descriptive-correlational approach to research where it was used to describe the levels of traffic congestion and the levels of class attendance motivation, as well as to assess if there is a correlation between these variables. The 378 gathered results from one of the higher educational institutions in Davao City serves as respondents has indicated that the traffic congestion is highly observed, and class attendance motivation is manifested in high level. Furthermore, it was found in the study that motivation to attend class and traffic congestion are significantly and positively correlated.  Hence, the study concluded that there is substantial proof that the motivation of students to attend class is significantly impacted by traffic congestion. The researcher recommend that future researchers widen the scope of the research and use this as a foundation and source of perspective leading as they explore possibilities for enhancing the study and to provide solution to alleviate this concern through implementation of various public and transportation regulations.

Senior High School Track and Course Preference of the Students

The main objective of the study was to determine the relationship between the senior high school tracks and the course preferences of college students. The descriptive-correlational design was employed using purposive and non-probability quota sampling in choosing the respondents for the study. It can be concluded that most respondents were enrolled in the academic track and preferred education and training courses in college. Additionally, the majority of respondents concur that personality has a greater impact than environmental factors in terms of choosing their tracks and course preferences. However, they disagreed in terms of opportunity and educational factors. Both environmental and personality factors influenced the respondents in the fields of architecture, business management and administration, education and training, finance, government and administration, hospitality and tourism, information technology, marketing sales and services, science, technology engineering, and mathematics. These factors play a significant role in shaping attitudes and beliefs towards their chosen fields. However, only environmental factors affect the respondents in the fields of arts, audio-visual technology and communication, human services, law, public safety, and corrections. Environmental, opportunity, and personality factors play a crucial role in determining the extent of agreement among the respondents in health, sciences, manufacturing (mechanical and industrial), transportation, distribution, and logistics. It is also shown that there is a significant relationship between the students’ chosen track and course preference. This implies that the correct selection of high school tracks may guide them to fit their skills and interests to course selection in college.

Correlational Study on the Performance of School Heads and their Instructional Leadership Practices

Purpose: School leaders are now required to not only administer the school but also to improve teacher effectiveness and student success due to continuing education system reforms. The purpose of this research is to elucidate the correlation between the performance of school heads and instructional leadership.

Methodology: The study employed a descriptive-correlational research method using a questionnaire checklist for data collection. The research sample comprises 53 school principals from the four districts in the municipality of Donsol, Sorsogon, Philippines. Validated researcher-made questionnaires were distributed to collect data for this investigation.

Findings: The results show that most school administrators conducted up to three LAC sessions, developed up to four instructional supervision plans, observed a maximum of 10 instructors, and created between one and three quality-assured learning assessment methods. The school, under their supervision, received a maximum of two stars in the WINS program. Most of the students who took the PHIL-IRI exam scored 20 points or below. The school conducted three to four earthquake drills, has a maximum of 10 classrooms, provides a student handbook, and conducted at most one orientation before the start of the school year.  School principals demonstrate excellence in their instructional leadership practices across the eight strands of PPSSH-Domain 3. However, most of the calculated chi-square values for the correlations between their performance and practices were below the crucial value when assessed at a significance threshold of.05.

Conclusion: School principals showed impressive results in their performance and displayed exemplary practices in instructional leadership across the eight strands of Domain 3. However, most of their performances were not significantly correlated with their practices in instructional leadership.

Strategy for Increasing the Creative Performance of Civil Servants in Public Services: Effectiveness of Education and Training through Teamwork

This research investigates the influence of education and training as well as teamwork on the creative performance of civil servants in Indonesia, with a focus on understanding that education and training simultaneously contribute to increasing innovation in public services. The findings show that education and training play a significant role in improving creative performance directly as well as indirectly through increased teamwork. This research brings a new perspective to the literature on human resource management and public sector innovation by emphasizing the synergistic role of individual skill development and team dynamics in creating a work environment conducive to creativity. Based on the findings, it is recommended to develop integrated education and training programs, increase focus on teamwork, evaluate the impact of education and training on teamwork, and facilitate a work environment that supports collaboration. This initiative is expected to optimize the innovative potential of civil servants in providing creative solutions to public service challenges.

Influence of School Bullying on Mental Health of Students in Delta Central Senatorial Districts in Delta State

The study examined influence of school bullying on mental health of students in Delta central senatorial districts in Delta State. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study and a sample size of 375 students were involved in the study. A questionnaire titled “School Bullying on Mental Health Rating Scale (SBMHRS)” which contains physical Bullying Rating Scale (BRS), Verbal Bullying Rating Scale (VBRS) and Relational Bullying Rating Scale (RBRS). Cronbach Alpha was used to obtain the internal consistency of the instrument. Reliability indices of 0.71 for physical bullying, 0.94 for verbal bullying, and 0.67 for relational bullying were obtained. The data obtained were analyzed with mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and one way sample t-test was used to analyse the hypotheses. Based on the findings, it was concluded that physical bullying, verbal bullying and relational bullying influences the mental health of secondary school students. On the basis of the findings and conclusion of the study, it was recommended that the Post Primary Education Board in collaboration with the Ministry of Education should organize seminar for the students on various forms of bullying and their implications; Teachers should look keenly into the students behavior to identify bullies and victims of bullying; The principal together with the teachers can educate the students on disciplinary; measures to be taken if found wanting to discourage them from  indulging  in the act; Parents are advised not to use violence in the presence of their children when settling dispute.

The Influence of Brand Value and Perceived Quality on Purchasing Decisions for Facial Care Products Using E-WOM as Intervening Variable in Barru Regency

This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of brand value and perceived quality on purchasing decisions for facial care products with Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) as intervening variable in Barru Regency. This research approach uses survey research which takes samples from a population and uses a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The research sample was users of facial care products at beauty clinics with 100 respondents in Barru Regency. The findings show that: (1) Brand value does not have positive effect and significant on purchasing decisions for facial care products in Barru Regency. (2) Perceived quality has positive effect and significant on purchasing decisions for facial care products in Barru Regency. (3) E-WOM has positive effect and significant on purchasing decisions for facial care products in Barru Regency. (4) Brand value has positive effect and significant on E-WOM facial care products in Barru Regency. (5) Perceived quality has positive effect and significant on E-WOM of facial care products in Barru Regency. (6) Brand value does not have positive effect and significant through E-WOM on purchasing decisions for care products in Barru Regency. (7) Perceived quality has positive effect and significant through E-WOM on purchasing decisions for facial care products in Barru Regency.

Legal Protection for Consumers who Experience Motorcycles in Secure Parking by PT. Securindo Packtama Indonesia (Study of Supreme Court Decision Number 2078/K/PDT/2009)

This research aims to find out the legal protection for consumers due to the loss of motorcycles in secure parking and to find out the legal considerations of judges in deciding Supreme Court Case Number 2078/K/Pdt/2009. The research method used by the author is normative juridical research conducted using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach.  The results showed that consumer legal protection is provided through Article 18 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection which provides a prohibition on making standard clauses for business actors. Regarding the legal considerations of the judges in deciding Supreme Court Case No. 2078/K/Pdt/2009, it is an appropriate decision because the concept of parking is included in the agreement of entrusting goods and in accordance with Article 1469 of the Civil Code, business actors are obliged to provide compensation to consumers. There are two legal protections for consumers, namely internal and external legal protection. In addition, the existence of DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2012 concerning Parking has brought significant changes to the parking system in the DKI Jakarta area.

Education Paradigm in Islamic Boarding Schools: Case Study of Al-Khudlary Islamic Boarding School, KHAS Kempek Islamic Boarding School, and Husnul Khotimah Islamic Boarding School

Background: The dynamics of Islamic boarding schools are fascinating to study. Their initial history as a place for teaching the Al-Qur’an evolved into a place for producing Ulama (cleric or Islamic scholar). Society’s paradigm will influence their motivation toward Indonesian religious education.

Purpose: This research aims to analyze typologies, educational paradigms, and constellations of Islamic boarding school educational paradigms.

Methods: This research uses a qualitative approach. The research steps were to collect data obtained from in-depth interviews, observation notes, activity photos, documents, curriculum data, and teacher and student data at the Al Khudlary, KHAS Kempek, and Husnul Khotimah of Islamic Boarding Schools.

Results: The research results are as follows: First, the Al Khudlary Islamic Boarding School is of the traditional type because it maintains a yellow book education system that wants to be separate from general education. Holistic education forms a Tafaqquhn Fiddin (deepening knowledge of religion) human being. The paradigm constellation analysis is characterized by conservativeness with indicators of traditional, feudal, and preserved heritage. Second, the KHAS Kempek Islamic Boarding School is of the integration type, namely integrating the study of the Kitab Kuning (yellow book: the traditional set of the Islamic texts) with general education. Holistic education forms human beings who are Tafaqquhn Fiddin and experts in the field of science. The paradigm constellation analysis is characterized by conservative-liberal with traditional indicators, a person’s right to education, the right of institutions to develop education and social and innovative rights. Third, the Husnul Khotimah Islamic Boarding School is of the Modern type. Holistic education shapes people to have the character of Islamic values and prepares them to face the international world. Liberal-critical characterizes the paradigm constellation analysis with innovative, dynamic, and responsive indicators to community needs.

Conclusion: Through this research, Islamic boarding schools can be differentiated according to their classification, making it easier for people to refer to this theory when choosing an Islamic boarding school so that they have a comprehensive paradigm.

Practical Application of Provisions of the Vietnam Criminal Code to Drug Crimes and Solutions to Improve the Effectiveness of the Application

The article examines the practical application of the provisions of the Vietnam Criminal Code in dealing with drug crimes, thereby giving an overview of the complicated situation of drug crimes in Vietnam. Specifically, the author analyzes statistical data on drug cases, difficulties and entanglements in narcotic substance identification, narcotic substance content assessment and description of criminal signs. The article also proposes a number of solutions to improve the effectiveness of applying the provisions of the Criminal Code 2015 in combating drug crimes.