Entries by Admin Ijssers

Access to Emerging Technologies and Techniques in the Nigerian Solid Minerals Sector: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

As the global population increases, the scale and impacts of mining have increased exponentially, and there are emerging trends when considering the sector’s future. Therefore, countries are transcending to modern forms of technology to achieve scale economies, decarbonisation, mine health and safety and environmental sustainability through leveraging on Automation, Big Data Analytics, Digital Innovations, and […]

Increasing Student Engagement and Understanding through Project-Based Learning on Asmaul Husna Materials

This research aims to improve the understanding of grade VII students of SMPIT Iqra’ Bengkulu City towards Asmaul Husna (Al-‘Alim, Al-Khabir, As-Sami’, and Al-Bashir) through the application of a project-based learning model. The research was conducted on grade VII students of SMPIT Iqra’ Bengkulu City in semester 1 (odd) of the 2024-2025 school year. The […]

Human in Xunzi’s Socio-Political Thought: Implications for Educational Reform in Vietnam

This study examines Xunzi’s philosophy on humanity and its relevance to contemporary educational reform in Vietnam. Xunzi, 荀子 (316– 237 BCE), a prominent philosopher of ancient China, is known for his assertion that “human nature is inherently evil.” His socio-political philosophy emphasizes the role of education in shaping human character and fostering social order. Through […]

The Descriptive Study of Personality Santri Tahfidzul Qur’an ‘Ainul Yaqin Campus Islamic Boarding School When Facing Polemics through the Deposit of Memorize Al-Qur’an

Based on observations made to Tahfidzul Qur’an students in the C class of the ‘Ainul Yaqin Islamic boarding school, there is a unique phenomenon that formed by several aspects such as parenting, background, and education that can influence the regulation and self-control when facing a problem in daily life. The orientation in this research tries […]

The Influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on Buying Interest in Wardah Lipstick Products (Case Study in Kebomas Sub-district, Gresik)

Purpose: Is to analyze the influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on the Purchase Intention of Wardah lipstick products in Kebomas District, Gresik. Patients and methods: Data has been obtained from the answer of questionnaire testing on 85 respodents who were used as samples in research using techniques purposive sampling. Results: The results of […]

Developing Sustainable Water Supply Strategies among Indigenous Peoples in the Davao Region: A Systematic Review

Indigenous Peoples have a profound cultural, spiritual, and ecological connection to their ancestral lands and water resources. However, global challenges such as climate change, deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization increasingly threaten water availability and quality. Traditional knowledge systems and governance practices offer sustainable approaches to address these challenges, complementing modern water management strategies. This study reviews […]

The Effect of Price, Promotion, Security and Service on Pharmacy Product Purchase Decisions at Conventional & Online Drugstore with Product Variation as Moderation

This study aims to determine the effect of price, promotion, security and service on purchasing decisions for pharmaceutical products at conventional drugstore and online drugstore with product variation as a moderation. The research sample of 200 respondents was determined using purposive sampling technique. Data were obtained from filling out a questionnaire with a Likert scale […]

The Role of Social Norms in the Formation of Legal Policy: Case Studies on Customary Practices and Environmental Protection

This research looks at the role played by social norms in the formation of legal policies, focusing on the relationship between customary practices and environmental protection. Through case studies, this research explores how local cultural values, norms and traditions influence legal policies related to the environment. This analysis provides insights into how adat can be […]

A Legal Study on Drug Abuse among Teenagers

The government has issued Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropic Substances and Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics. Thus the presence of this law can suppress the smallest abuse of narcotics. Narcotics abuse is a big problem for Indonesia because it can damage the next generation of the nation, society, Indonesia’s National Resilience. […]

Evaluating the Impact of Enhancing Farmers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, Motivation, and Behavior on Income Growth and Environmental Quality in the Technical Irrigation Areas of South Sulawesi Province

This study aims to evaluate the impact of empowerment and training activities on farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, motivation, and behavior in improving income and environmental quality within the technical irrigation areas of South Sulawesi Province. The research was conducted in three key irrigation areas: the Langkeme irrigation area of Soppeng Regency, the Saddang irrigation area of […]