Entries by Admin Ijssers

Exploring the Perceptions and Experiences of Some Freshmen Using Online Registration System in Niger

Web-based services offer users convenient access to and the ability to manipulate information that is of concern to such services. Not only does online registration address the manageability issue of a growing student population, but it also ensures greater constancy and reusability of information. These advantages in turn lead to better productivity and hence better […]

Implementation of the Five Language Continuum in the Development of Early Childhood Speech Skills

Early childhood is a golden age where children will grow and develop rapidly, so aspects of their development must be maximized. One of the components of language development is speaking. This study aims to describe the application of the Five Language Continuum in realizing Early Childhood Speaking Ability at Kindergarten Khadijah Wonorejo Surabaya. The research […]

ICT Needs Assessment for Teaching and Learning of English Language in Junior Secondary Schools in North Central Nigeria

The study assessed ICT needs for the teaching and learning of English language in Junior Secondary School in North Central Nigeria. A quantitative and qualitative survey design (mixed methods procedure) was used for this study. A well structured questionnaire was used to collect information from a sample population of 3,300. Prior to this, pilot study […]

Implementation of the “TANDUR” Model with Script Card Media in Learning Local Content in Regional Languages (Javanese) in Elementary Schools

This research was motivated by the suboptimal use of innovative media for grade III students in elementary school. In addition to this, the learning strategies he uses have also not contributed to improving the quality of learning outcomes. Based on observations, results were obtained that the use of Javanese in students’ daily activities was very […]

Instructional Planning: Its Importance and Basic Components

This work traverses Instructional Planning, its importance, and attendant elements that facilitate the deconstruction of the curriculum into deliverable and interactive relationships between teachers and learners. As an African saying goes, “when spider webs unite, they can trap a lion.”  Gestalt Psychology also tells us that “the whole is equal to the sum of its […]

Qualification of Copyrights as Objects on Fiduciary Warranty Objects

The economic and legal development of Copyright in Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright provides new regulations regarding Copyrights that can be used as objects of Fiduciary Guarantees. Article 16 paragraph (3) UUHC provides an opportunity to bind Copyrights as objects of Fiduciary Guarantees, Copyrights include intangible movable objects that are born in a […]

Approaches to Language Teaching: Criticism from Theory to Practice

The criticism of any approach should be based on clear regulations. When we criticise any theory, our intention is that this criticism should meet some crucial requirement that should be systematic and not sporadic. “Systematic”, means that it is based on a specific set of principles or criteria, which are the same set of principles […]

Blackness: The Color of Otherness in Kennedy’s Funnyhouse of a Negro and Genet’s the Maids

Adopting the perspective of critical race theory grounded in Black Existentialism, this article argues that we should consider Black Drama beyond conventional conceptions of author, identity, or content, expanding the category to consider abject human life and misery beyond the color line as exemplified by Kennedy’s ‘Funnyhouse of a Negro’ (1964) and Genet’s ‘The Maids’ […]