Entries by Admin Ijssers

Re-Engineering the Teaching and Learning of Geography in Six Selected Secondary Schools of Livingstone District, Southern Province, Zambia

The teaching and learning of Geography in Zambian senior secondary schools should be re – engineered if high academic performance should be attained. Academic performance in Geography at School Certificate level, consistently for some time now is neither impressive nor competitive with other subjects at all. The question is how should geography be taught to […]

Education of Business Ethics Standards for Vietnamese Economics Students in Current International Integration Context

In the current international integration context, Vietnam is deeply and widely participating in the globalization process, which is an invitation that cannot be denied the grim “rules of the game” of domestic and international markets: competition and elimination. That requires Vietnamese business people to quickly improve their personality, intelligence, solidarity and consensus, build a strong […]

Factors Affecting English Majored Freshmen’s Speaking Performance in a University in the Mekong Delta – Viet Nam

Speaking is one of the most crucial and challenging skills to master in learning English. As a consequence, learners regularly encounter difficulties that restrict their ability to speak English. For this reason, this study was carried out to find out factors that affected the English-speaking performance of English majored freshmen at a university in Can Tho […]

Da’wah, Negotiation and Social Piety: The Role of Kyai Ahmad Masduki Al-Jabalani in Building the Character of a Multicultural Society in Gorontalo, Indonesia

The principle of Ojo rumongso iso, but iso rumongso (don’t feel you can, but you can feel) is the value of the laughter of a young kyai from Blitar who oversees the Sirojuth Thalibiin Islamic boarding school, Sidomukti village, Gorontalo. The value of the local wisdom of the Javanese people has become a foundation in […]

Sustainability Reporting and Economic Value Added: Empirical Evidence from Listed Manufacturing Entities in Nigeria

The essence of this study is to evaluate the effect of three aspects of Sustainability reporting on economic value addition of Nigerian listed manufacturing companies from 2013 to 2020. Ex-post facto research design was adopted while secondary data were sourced from annual reports and accounts of 37 sampled companies out of 73 listed manufacturing companies […]

An Investigation on the Implementation of Early Childhood Education: A Case Study of Selected Schools in Petauke District

This study investigated the implementation of early childhood education among schools in Petauke District.  Despite a high enrolment rate, the children entering primary school have low levels of reading and writing skills. The study considered the benefits of ECE; the associated challenges and alternative approaches for effective implementation. Using the mixed research design, the study […]

Teaching and Learning Safely: Pupils and Teachers’ Perspectives on Classroom Safety Management in Selected Schools of Southern Province of Zambia

The management of safety in schools is essential for creating safe and healthy learning environments for pupils and staff. Using descriptive research design, which involved qualitative data collection and analysis, this study explored pupils and teachers’ perspectives on classroom safety management in selected schools of Southern province of Zambia. The study used homogenous purposive sampling […]

Mental Health and Employment of Vietnam Preschool Teachers in Covid-19: A Research in Hanoi, Vietnam

The Covid-19 pandemic has been having a very strong impact on the entire education system in Vietnam. In our education system, it can be said that preschool education is completely “frozen”. Unlike other grades where teaching is still carried out online, preschool education with its own characteristics has completely stopped all activities for quite a […]

Perception of Business Education Undergraduates in Universities of South-South Nigeria on E-Advertising of Goods and Services

This study investigated the perception of Business Education Undergraduates in Universities of South-South Nigeria on e-advertising of goods and services. One research question and one hypothesis guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population comprised 661 from which 370 were randomly sampled for the study. A validated and reliable questionnaire […]