Entries by Admin Ijssers

Jurisdiction Conflict between Indonesian District Courts and State Administrative Courts: The Possibility Using ‘Joint-Proceeding’ Concept for Resolution

This study aims to examine the impact of jurisdictional conflict between the Indonesian District Court and Administrative Court after PERMA Number 2 of 2019’ enachment on justice seekers, and examine the possibility of applying ‘joint-proceeding’ concept as a solution. The research uses normative legal research by examining data in the form of primary legal materials […]

Research on the Path of Rural Revitalization Empowered by Judicial Assistance under the Background of Big Data

Judicial assistance is an important measure to help revitalize the countryside. It can break down rural cultural barriers and improve village culture; it can ensure targeted poverty alleviation and achieve common prosperity; it can maintain social fairness and justice and promote effective governance. By analyzing the problems of the high proportion of passive assistance, the […]

Towards Food Security and Agricultural Self-Reliance: A Policy Study for the Rice Production in Liberia

Liberia is endowed with enormous opportunities to sustainably and sufficiently feed itself and even export the surplus of the products of vital arable fertile lands it possesses to other countries. Nevertheless, the Country’s catastrophic political turmoil that started in 1979 was the result of food insecurity and tempering the staple food of its people due […]

The Impact of Business Environment on the Quality of Export Products

The quality of export products directly affects the use value and price of commodities, and it is an important factor that determines the use efficiency of commodities and affects the market price of commodities. In the form of unprecedented fierce competition in the current international market, many countries and regions have taken improving the quality […]

Explanation of the Meaning of Article 1 Paragraphs (2) of the 1945 Constitution of Republic of Indonesia to the Concept of the Constitutional Conventions in the Annual Achievement Reports of State Institutions

Amendments to Article 1 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution have changed the Indonesian state administration system, including the power and position of state institutions. This change is a new thought towards state institutions that place the People’s Consultative Assembly which was originally the highest state institution and fully implementer of people’s sovereignty. Furthermore, the […]

Assessment and Learning Mathematics Integrated 21st Century Competency-Computational Thinking Skills in Junior High School: Partly Detailed and Completed Intervention Stage

This research is intended to develop the intervention of mathematics assessment and learning in junior high school integrated 21st Century competence-computational thinking skills. The research method is Design-based Research at the partly detailed and completed intervention stage. Twofold yield of the intervention of the research design are prototypical intervention (instructional materials) and its accompanying design […]

The Influence of Social Media on Language Trends South Jakarta Children as the Use of Language Day to Day

Social media is one of the important means, not only to communicate, but also to provide information to broaden horizons. Social media users can easily access and communicate not only with relatives or friends around but all foreign countries, which can provide knowledge about languages and cultures from various countries. The use of language is […]