Entries by Admin Ijssers

The Influence of Situational Leadership, Work Environment and Innovativeness on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Elementary School

The study aims to identify the effect of Situational Leadership, Work Environment, and Innovativeness on teachers’ job satisfaction in Tigapanah Subdistrict, Karo District. The research uses the quantitative through Path Analysis model with 146 Teachers as respondents in 24 schools that located in Tigapanah Subdistrict. Google Form is used in this research to gather the […]

Some Difficulties in Learning Speaking of English Majored Freshmen at Tay Do University, In Vietnam

“Some difficulties in learning speaking of English majored freshmen at Tay Do University” is performed to the purpose of this study help student recognize their problem in speaking English. The participants of this study are the English majored freshmen course 13 (2018-2022) from Bachelor of English class at Tay Do University. The instruments are used […]

Transformational Leadership and Compensations Effect to Employee’s Performances by means of Job Satisfaction as Mediation Variable at CV. General Design Klungkung Regency

Employees performance at company needs been noticed because it can affect to the company’s performance. This study desire to analyze how transformational leadership and compensation affect employee’s performances by means of job satisfaction as mediation variable. Object of this research are all employees of CV. General Design totaling 40 (fourty). The data collected by a […]

The Difficulties in Listening Comprehension of English Majored Freshmen at Tay Do University

The purpose of the proposal “The difficulties in listening comprehension of English majored freshmen at Tay Do University” is to help students understand that: Listening is a necessary skill in learning English and finding the difficulties that students meet when they learn listening comprehension as the problem about (vocabulary, grammar, speed, and pronunciation) in listening […]

Adaptation and Validation of the Big Five Inventory-2-Short Form in a Sample of Moroccan Young Adults

A Person’s reactions and human behavioral information may be easily understood and anticipated if the personality traits underlying differences are correctly identified. The purpose of this study is to examine the adaptation and validation of the Big Five Inventory 2 Short Form (BFI-2-S) in the Moroccan context. This measure identifies the five major personality traits of persons: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, […]

Language Use in Oral Tradition Forms: An Expressive Critical Approach to Selected Proverbs and Riddles

Human communication is organized in diverse ways in verbal art in particular. Oral literary forms reflect unusual use of language at both literary and semantic levels. In this paper, the researcher looks into language of folkloric verbal expression by exploring sense relations and literary devices in selected proverbs and riddles. The study is geared by […]

Public Service Ethics in Implementation of State Power in Vietnam Today

Today, along with the process of integration and globalization, the development of Industry 4.0 poses significant challenges in the process of managing and exercising state power. In which, public service ethics is an extremely important factor, a criterion and an indispensable condition for evaluating the ethics of cadres and civil servants; is a close connection […]

The Use of Ijarah Structure Asset to be Leased by Using Underlying Assets in SBSN Project Based Sukuk (PBS) Funding the Infrastructure Development of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of the PBS (Project Based Sukuk) series of State Sukuk by using the Ijarah Asset to be Leased contract, this contract is created in a structure that allows the government to lease assets that will be realized in the future, but the government can pay […]

The Role of Organizational Commitment Mediation on the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance on Employee Performance in Badung District Government

The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of job satisfaction and work life balance on employee performance through organizational commitment in the Badung Regency Government. This study uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The number of respondents in this research was 150 respondents. The collected data were analyzed […]