Entries by Admin Ijssers

Social System of Herbal Distribution in Structural Functionalism Approach in Makassar City

Counseling on traditional medicine clinics received positive responses, especially the elderly. The aim of the research was to study the process of distributing herbal users from the healing aspect in Makassar City. The approach used was using five informants. Data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation, then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and […]

Protection and Management of Gayo Arabica Coffee in the Laws and Regulations of Central Aceh Regency

Coffee is one of the leading commodities in the plantation  subsector  because it has market opportunities, both domestically and  abroad. Gayo Coffee (English: Gayo Coffee) is a variety of arabica coffee that is one of the leading commodities originating from the Gayo Plateau. Gayo Coffee has received Fair Trade Certified™ from the International Fair Trade   […]

Implementation of Kyai Policies in Improving a Culture of Reading and Writing in Islamic Boarding Schools Lirboyo Kediri Indonesia

The background of this research is the process of implementing policies into actions that aim to strengthen literacy culture. Students at the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school, Kediri. This study aimed to find the implementation of Kyai’s policies in improving the culture of reading and writing at the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school, Kediri. This study uses […]

Corporate Social Responsibility of Mining Companies in the District of West Sumbawa (Case Study of Mining Company PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, AMNT)

Mining ownership in West Sumbawa Regency shifted from PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT) to become PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT). PT. AMNT is committed to improving the welfare of the people in West Sumbawa Regency and especially Sekongkang District through CSR programs. This study aims to examine the effect of community satisfaction recipients of […]

Classroom Experiences of Learners with Albinism in Selected Regular and Special Education Schools in Zambia

Learners with albinism potentially face a number of challenges in schools due to their skin condition. Albinism is an inherited condition from birth as a result of the absence of melanin pigment which usually changes the colour of the skin, hair and eyes. Albinism is usually greeted with disdain in most Bantu communities.  In Zambia, […]