Worshipping Saint Tran – The Blessed Gods’ Belief in Vietnamese Culture

Blessed gods and the belief in god are unique features in the culture of the Vietnamese community. It can be said that the famous blessed gods are being worshiped all over the territory of Vietnam, such as Hung Vuong (national ancestor), Hai Ba Trung (saint god), Tran Hung Dao (saint god), Lieu Hanh (natural god). In which, worshiping Saint Tran is a form of folk belief in Vietnam, formed through the process of sanctifying and deifying a real historical figure. He became a patron saint for the cause of fighting foreign invaders, protecting the country and helping people to eradicate evil spirits and cure diseases. Within the scope of the article, the author focuses on clarifying the purpose and content of religious activities to worship Saint Tran to show the Vietnamese people’s diversity and richness in their culture and beliefs.

Education in Chile: Towards the Virtualization of our Educational Future?

This article proposes a study of the evolution of educational offers of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in a virtual or semi-virtual mode in Chile, based on its explosive increase, analyzed data, and breakdown of implications.

Higher education, after this analysis, evidently expresses a new context of reality in professional training; we are experiencing a new era, educational offer that perhaps responds to the demands of productive dynamism, customs, and experiences of the tremendous technological immersion by our young people, in response to programs that seek to approach this need but with a low level of development and organization quality.

Rule-Based Automation in Moodle for Self-Instructional Learning

The design and development of a self-instructional course within a Moodle learning management system (LMS) requires consideration of various elements and operational definitions to achieve effective implementation. This study aims to specify, in a practical way, procedures and automation guidelines in Moodle based on the experience of instructional design; and the structuring of online activities through the programming of automated flows by configuring conditional rules and the integration of a virtual assistant to attend general queries with a Chatbot tool named Dialogflow from Google.

The instructional organization has been validated with a design-based research methodology through an iterative development model involving analyzing practical problems, evaluating, testing solutions, documenting, and reflecting on the implemented design principles. This experience proposes in its development three successive versions with continuous improvements of a self-instructional course, with the participation of 300 teachers, who tested the training itinerary, advancing through the sequence of resources and activities according to the programmed conditions.

A method of successive validation with continuous improvements allows identifying elements susceptible to be changed and restructured and analysis tools according to metrics provided by Moodle, verifying the users’ participation and tracking progress based on learning automation processes.

Adopting Corporate Social Responsibility in Maqasid Shari’ah: PETRONAS Initiatives

This paper aims to evaluate the significant contributions PETRONAS has put towards improving the living of respective stakeholders through a series of Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) by adopting the approach of Maqasid Shari’ah – Islamic legal doctrine that promote the welfare of people by protecting the following categories: faith (hifz ad-din), property (hifz al-mal), soul and intellect (hifz al-‘aql), life (hifz an-nafs), and offspring (hifz an-nasb).  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been an uncompromised avenue among industry key players to provide necessities for the involved society members. This paper disclosed a continuous execution of CSR by PETRONAS based on the audited and reported information of the respective entity as well as other relevant references. In this context, PETRONAS has been working very closely towards achieving the four dimensions of corporate responsibilities, namely; Continued Value Creation, Safeguard the Environment, Positive Social Impact, and Responsible Governance.  Hence, this paper attempts to comprehend the relationship among these four dimensions and its entrenchment with the approach of Maqasid Shari’ah. This paper concludes that PETRONAS is one of the organizational businesses which its practice is congruent to the concept of Maqasid Shari’ah and also satisfy the definition of CSR in communicating with respective stakeholders in the time of necessity.

Measuring the Influence of Interest on Digital Marketing Performance among SMEs in Sarawak with Data Management Capabilities as the Mediator

Digital Marketing has gained spectacular popularity amongst the Small and Middle Enterprises (SMEs) in Sarawak. This phenomenon was triggered due to how much they struggled to survive during the recent impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, not many among those digital players realize that the abilities in data management are the key to the success of any digital marketing activities. Using “Interest” as the influencing factor, this research would like to measure the performance of Sarawak’s SME digital marketing players through actions that would trigger consumer interest in products or services. Activities such as retargeting, duration, number of visits, up-to-date information, gathering information, and page seen have been proved as activities to be performed on digital marketing platforms to attract viewers’ interest. Using data management capabilities as the mediator, the research concludes that none of the mentioned activities that caused interest related to digital marketing performance. However, data management capabilities are found to mediate the relationship between interest and digital marketing performance.

Analysing the Flow of Intra-Industry Trade in the Central African Monetary Community

This paper empirically examines the flow of Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) intra-industry trade at different sectors and product categories using the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). An augmented gravity model of trade was adopted to analyse changes in the different sectors and product categories from 1995 to 2015; this is the time span for which consistent and useable time series data is available for CEMAC. A time fixed effects variable and within estimator were included to control for unpredictable changes in exogenous factors and capture the heterogeneity of the sample over time. The results showed that prior to the formation of the CEMAC customs union, the growth in intra-industry trade had been higher than that of the CEMAC customs union with the exception of very few sectors and that since the establishment of the customs union in 1994, IIT trade has remained low and only Cameroon has witnessed an increase in trade with member states, especially in food and live animals. The results also showed that only mineral fuels exports had been significant and positive for Chad and Equatorial Guinea.

Constructing Gendered Identities and Agency through Classroom Discourse in a Foreign Language Learning Context

This study investigates constructing gendered identities and agency through classroom discourse in a foreign language context by drawing on data collected through semi-structured interviews and classroom observations in two Foundation Institutes in the Arabian Gulf. Informed by poststructural feminism, Foucault’s (1972) power relations, and Butler’s (2004) performativity theories, the article investigates how students’ behaviors in the Gulf tertiary classroom affect their academic performance and their personality construction. The findings suggest that the students’ gendered identities were shaped as an effect of their cultural construction, which remarkably affected the way they learn. The findings also illustrate how modern education has a positive influence on learners as a means to mitigate gender sensitivity issues inside the classroom. These findings have implications for educators and curriculum designers that the learner’s identities and agency must be acknowledged in the first place, and the prior knowledge of gender influence on learning can enhance the educational process to be more effective.

Teachers Emotional Well-Being: The Role of Demographic Variables in Mediating Workload and Emotional Exhaustion

The relationship between workload and emotional exhaustion is dynamic. Various demographic variables mediate between workload and emotional exhaustion, including gender, age, marital status, level of education, work experience, number of lessons per week, teaching subject, and the school category. However, there is a lack of current information on various demographic valuables’ role in the relationship between workload and emotional exhaustion among teachers. This article aims to explain the mediation role of the selected demographic variables in the relationship between workload and the emotional exhaustion of high school teachers in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study utilized 367 teachers, of which 331 responded to the questionnaire.  Multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to determine how the variables mediated the relationship between workload and emotional exhaustion of the teachers. The mixed results indicated that various demographic factors mediated the relationship between workload and emotional exhaustion either positively or negatively. Given the dynamic nature of the workload for teachers, it would be essential to consider the demographic variables to ensure teachers’ emotional health.

Study of Ethnic Culture on Critical Thinking about NKRI in the Jagoi Babang District, Bengkayang Region, Indonesian Border, and Malaysia

This research is titled Cultural Studies Ethnic To Critically Think About the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in the District of Good Gaping Regency on the Boundaries of Indonesia and Malaysia. Investigate Variables, Examine culture ethnicity (X) and Capacity Think Causally (Y). The method employed is a survey with a causal qualitative approach to path analysis, including the steps of determining the tools (instruments), collecting data, organizing, and analyzing data. Primary data (instrument distribution based on a Likert scale) and secondary data (documentation studies related to research problems) are used to collect information. 190 people were sampled from six villages and fourteen hamlets with a total population of 6047. Long-term maintenance of justice, equity, and community development at the grass-roots level in Indonesia through policy formulation is an organizational unit based on research findings. Reviewing the culture, infrastructure, facilities, and better human resources from the corner of the relevant department, which has been tasked with enhancing the ability to think critically about the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, particularly in its border region with Sarawak East Malaysia, and enhancing the department’s degree of responsibility. This could serve as a reference for a long-term impact study because community-culture-supporting party stakeholders provide the best assurance. Consider this for six months. outside this study are: 1. Reports on research, financial statements, and logbooks. 2. Articles generated by seminar outcomes (certificates and photos of activities). 3. Innovative products that enrich teaching materials, guidelines, models, and policies. 4. Submit scientific articles published in reputable national or international journals, such as : International Journal Of Research And Review

Legal Protection of Children from Mixed Marriage Living in Indonesia

Marriage is a legal bond between a man and a woman for a long time. Mixed marriages are marriages between two people in Indonesia subject to different laws, due to differences in citizenship and one of the parties is a citizen of Indonesia. The research entitled Legal Protection of Children from Mixed Marriages Living in Indonesia was conducted to know how the status of children born from mixed marriages according to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Legal Protection for children about civil rights as a result of mixed marriages according to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Law Number 12 of 2016 concerning Citizenship. This study uses a normative juridical research method, which concludes that children born from mixed marriages get guaranteed legal certainty according to Law Number 12 of 2016 concerning Citizenship in terms of citizenship status because they have lived in Indonesia for at least 5 (five) consecutive years come along. Then the child also gets his civil rights, namely the right to know his origin, the right to get maintenance and education from his parents, the right to be represented in all legal actions inside and outside the court, and the right to take care of the child’s property, as well as the right to inherit. The results of this study are expected to provide legal protection for children about civil rights resulting from mixed marriages.