Early Writing Ability for Early Childhood Education Using Metal Insets Media with Motor Sensory

Language is a socially or conventionally accepted code used to express a concept through the use of the desired symbols and combinations of symbols arranged by words. Early childhood is in a sensitive period in language, language skills are very important, they have a vital role in all aspects of intellectual development, in this period children will continue to master and develop their language’s development, if no stimulus is given, children will have limited intellectual development. Early language development involves four skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is a helpful approach to encourage children to use signs and symbols to communicate their ideas. The aims of this study are to describe and analyze the application of Metal Insets media with sensory motor for learning to write through literature studies, explain the characteristics of Metal Insets Media with sensory motor, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Metal Insets Media with sensory motor. This research method is a qualitative with a literature study approach to describe and analyze. The results obtained that Metal Insets media is a writing aid to stimulate early writing ability childhood involving sensory motor it is related to Montessori’s research about humans control their surroundings with their hands and change it in accordance with the direction of their minds, which is inextricably linked to their body morphology and abilities, Metal Insets application take notice on Montessori approach, with the four pillars, such as sensitive periods, a prepared environment, sensory education and spontaneous activity through repetition.

Classical Abstraction versus Romantic Abstraction: Towards a Shift in Consciousness

In this brief essay, I outline the two fundamental strands of art: The Classical and the Romantic. I illustrate these notions with key examples culled from the history of art. I argue that an extreme of either side propels art forward, but this is opposed to the larger stream of life in which balance and a middle road is called for. I then argue that through consciousness of art (…or science…etc.) and of the aesthetic, a second-order reflective stance is possible which, together with a moral sensibility, evolves a consciousness that may improve the quality of life for individuals and collectively.

Social System of Herbal Distribution in Structural Functionalism Approach in Makassar City

Counseling on traditional medicine clinics received positive responses, especially the elderly. The aim of the research was to study the process of distributing herbal users from the healing aspect in Makassar City. The approach used was using five informants. Data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation, then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.The results of this study indicate that: the social system in distribution is carried out by herbal officers in Makassar City, namely; 1). Doing with the marketing system, 2). Spread using marketing, 3). Conduct a survey on advertising. While the supports in the herbal distribution process are: Excellent service methods, human resource development, facilities and infrastructure related to the availability of herbal facilities, and the establishment of a good work culture. Thus the behavior of herbal officers in carrying out their duties as alternative officers in the implementation of herbal users from a healing aspect, and cannot be separated from local wisdom, namely sipakatau, sigunakannge and sipakalebbi.

Protection and Management of Gayo Arabica Coffee in the Laws and Regulations of Central Aceh Regency

Coffee is one of the leading commodities in the plantation  subsector  because it has market opportunities, both domestically and  abroad. Gayo Coffee (English: Gayo Coffee) is a variety of arabica coffee that is one of the leading commodities originating from the Gayo Plateau. Gayo Coffee has received Fair Trade Certified™ from the International Fair Trade   Organization on May 27, 2010, and has also received an IG (Geographical Indication) certificate submitted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Republic of  Indonesia. People living in the Gayo highlands until now live dependent on coffee, butuntil now there are still problems experienced by gayo coffee farmers, such as the condition of coffee selling prices that are still unstable, and tend to plummet. Therefore, the problems experienced by gayo coffee farmers should be accommodated in a law, especially at the regional level. So that   problems that occur like this are not experienced continuously and protracted by coffee farmers from year to year.  Based on the background that has been described, the formulation of the problem in  this  study  is  what things must be contained in Qanun so that can it provide  protection  for the  management of gayo arabica coffee in Central Aceh Regency? The research method used in this study is normative juridical research, which is carried out through  literature  studies that examine (mainly) secondary data in the form of laws and regulations, or other   legal documents, research results, assessment results, and other references. The results   showed that the things  that need to be  contained  in  Qanun protection  for the  management of gayo arabica coffee include arrangements about gayo arabica coffee ecosystem, gayo coffee commerce and cultivation, international cooperation, coffee research and education centers, customary institutions related to the protection and management of gayo arabica coffee, tourism and coffee villages, Geographical Indication certification, and Coffee Regionally Owned Enterprises (BUMD). The suggestion from the researcher is that Central Aceh Regency should have a regulation in the form of Qanun which regulates  the  protection  and management of Gayo Arabica Coffee, because this area is an area that is a  source of coffee and  has  become the lifeblood of the people in Gayo.

Implementation of Kyai Policies in Improving a Culture of Reading and Writing in Islamic Boarding Schools Lirboyo Kediri Indonesia

The background of this research is the process of implementing policies into actions that aim to strengthen literacy culture. Students at the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school, Kediri. This study aimed to find the implementation of Kyai’s policies in improving the culture of reading and writing at the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school, Kediri. This study uses a qualitative approach. The research design used was field research using a case study design where the subject studied was leadership and literacy culture at the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school, Kediri. Data collection is used through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out inductively, which included condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the data provides credibility, dependability, and confirmability. The results of the study show that the implementation of the cleric’s policy in strengthening the culture of reading and writing at the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri is (1) the cleric gives a mandate to the sections that handle it, (2) instructs the teacher to oversee the implementation of the program, (3) carried out by students with supervised by administrators, advisors, and teachers.

Governance and Financial Statement Fraud: Evidence from Indonesia Listed Banking

The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effectiveness of audit committees and the quality of external auditors on the possibility of fraudulent financial statements. The population in this study are banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The method used in this study is a quantitative method using secondary data which is measured using ratios and statistical processing. The research results show that the audit committee effectiveness variable partially does not significantly influence the possibility of fraudulent financial reporting. The reason underlying the results of this study is that the independence contained in the audit committee has not contributed to avoiding the likelihood of fraudulent financial reporting in a company. External auditor quality does not significantly influence the possibility of fraudulent financial reporting. This is because most companies use the services of non-Big Four Audit Firms to audit their financial statements. Simultaneously, it can be stated that the effectiveness of the audit committee and the quality of the external auditors significantly influence the possibility of fraudulent financial reporting. It is also concluded that the predicting power of the model is high.

Essence, Role and Characteristics of the Product in the Enterprise’s Marketing Activities

The process of managing marketing activities at the enterprise is a complex process of planning and organizing the company’s marketing activities with the aim of meeting the needs of consumers of goods and services, as well as obtaining the greatest profit on this basis. The process of managing the marketing activities of a business entity can be defined as the analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of relevant marketing programs aimed at creating, maintaining and expanding profitable relations between the enterprise and its customers. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the theoretical and research practical aspects of managing the marketing activities of the enterprise in conditions of competition.

Geographical Indication of Kahayya Coffee as an Opportunity to Increase Regional Investment

Geographical Indication which is a mark used for objects or things that have geographical and specific authenticity and have the quality or reputation of their place of origin. This geographical indication has an appeal that explains a type of product that shows the area where the product comes from. Bulukumba Regency has a coffee product called Kahayya Coffee. Kahayya Coffee is found in Kahayya village, located on the edge of the forest, precisely on the plateau, which is positioned at the foot of Mount Lompobattang at an altitude of around 1200-1400 meters above sea level. The potential produced by Kahayya village in the form of Kahayya coffee is an investment opportunity for the region, especially in Bulukumba district. The type of research used is empirical research, namely research using field data as the main data source. The result of this research is Kahayya coffee products have not obtained legal protection of geographical indications due to several factors such as human resource constraints, capital, marketing, the friction of personal interests, and lack of synergy between local governments, farmers, producers, and communities. Then the Bulukumba Regency government made several efforts such as human resource education for farmers and producers by the Regent, assistance in coffee plant cultivation by the Food Crops and Horticulture Office, and education and marketing by the Bulukumba Regency Industry and Trade Office.

Corporate Social Responsibility of Mining Companies in the District of West Sumbawa (Case Study of Mining Company PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, AMNT)

Mining ownership in West Sumbawa Regency shifted from PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT) to become PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT). PT. AMNT is committed to improving the welfare of the people in West Sumbawa Regency and especially Sekongkang District through CSR programs. This study aims to examine the effect of community satisfaction recipients of CSR assistance on company commitment and sustainability of CSR programs carried out by PT. AMNT.

Based on the results of a study of 56 respondents, it was found that the level of satisfaction of the community receiving CSR assistance with the company’s commitment and sustainability of the CSR program carried out by PT. AMNT is quite low. However, there is an influence between the satisfaction of the community receiving CSR assistance and the company’s commitment to the sustainability of PT. AMNT and there is an influence between the company’s commitment to the sustainability of the CSR program on the compatibility of the CSR program with the needs of the community which has been carried out by PT. AMNT.

Classroom Experiences of Learners with Albinism in Selected Regular and Special Education Schools in Zambia

Learners with albinism potentially face a number of challenges in schools due to their skin condition. Albinism is an inherited condition from birth as a result of the absence of melanin pigment which usually changes the colour of the skin, hair and eyes. Albinism is usually greeted with disdain in most Bantu communities.  In Zambia, some communities consider it a bad omen to give birth to an albino. Therefore, attempts are made to either kill baby albinos at birth or banish them from the community. In schools, learners with albinism are constantly abused and ridiculed by other learners and are given demeaning social tags that serve as a form of stigma. Ostensibly, the discrimination against learners with albinism are underlain by religious and cultural beliefs. The overriding aim of this study was to establish the learning experiences of learners with albinism in both regular and special schools. The study was located within an interpretive qualitative paradigm and used a phenomenological research design while the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to explore in detail how participants made sense of their personal and social world with regard to learners with albinism in regular and special schools. The findings revealed that in regular schools, learners with albinism tended to exclude themselves from other learners so as to avoid discrimination and stereotypes surrounding their condition. The findings also confirmed the existence of myths and stereotypes regarding albinism. The findings further revealed that teachers in regular schools were not competent in handling learners with albinism as some teachers kept a social distance with learners with albinism. It was observed that most learners with albinism felt more secure in special schools than regular schools. The study recommended inter alia that school administrators and teachers should raise awareness campaigns on the plight of learners with albinism including other disability issues.