An Analysis of Interface Design Types and Categories in Two Automobile Museum Exhibitions

The purpose of this study was to compare the interface design categories and types between two automobile museum tours in promoting learning about automotive by visitors. Both touring methods were equally effective in helping subjects acquire information about automotive, but, on the whole, neither encouraged the retention of presented information. This descriptive research employed a textual analysis and on-site observation at National Automobile Museum, Malaysia and Glion Automobile Museum, Japan. The study’s findings discovered both of the auto museum providing a sense of good interface design for the museum exhibition with different categories and types. The results also showed the approaches were really enjoyable and successful in promoting interest in automotive. This research also addresses factors that work towards creating an identity within museums.

Embracing Autism: The Transformative Power of Love, Community, and Resilience in Filipino Families a Phenomenological Hermeneutical Study

Raising adolescents with autism has presented families a complex journey towards facing unique challenges and transformative experiences. The parents’ shock and grief of diagnosis because of lack of awareness and subsequent emotional adjustment have encouraged families to exercise faith and acceptance to see the child’s autism as a unique identity rather than a disability. This phenomenological hermeneutical study explores the emotional landscape of ten Filipino families with adolescents diagnosed with autism in the Philippines and highlights love as the guiding theme for hope and resiliency during their initial process of grief and acceptance, of dealing persistent challenges, of sibling involvement, and of varied parental approaches.

Financial strains exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic added complexity to accessing essential therapies and services which lead to necessitating community support and creative coping strategies. The family dynamics developed during this time highlighted the pivotal roles of siblings, the balance of responsibilities, and the emotional growth within the family which includes siblings’ progression from confusion to acceptance.

Effective parenting strategies emphasize clear communication, consistent discipline, and fostered independence. A fathers’ proactive role in behavioral management and a mothers’ focus on emotional and social needs illustrate the diverse approaches required. The digital era brought new a source of support through online communities and advocacies which enabled families to share experiences, to educate themselves, and to promote awareness. Resilience and coping strategies including self-care, spiritual resilience, and embracing present moments are crucial for sustaining the demanding journey of raising adolescents with autism.

This study underscores the importance of tailored support systems, voluntary community involvement, and a holistic understanding of autism care that will offer valuable insights for professionals and policymakers.

Developing an Android Application ‘Haba Inggreh’ for Interactive Learning on Speaking and Listening Skills

The aim of this research is to design teaching materials for the listening and speaking learning process on the basis of independent learning with a focus on students through the technology-based android application ‘Haba Inggreh‘. The Android application “Haba Inggreh” can be the right solution to solve listening and speaking problems because students can directly access the material and sentences they want and there is a feature to view scores. The research design used was Research and Development design involving six steps: need analysis, app development, app trial 1, app revision, and app trial 2. There were 6 high schools in Nagan Raya involved in this study as the respondents. The data collection was done following the R&D steps. After that, the data were analyzed using interactive analysis. The results show that, first, the students already have high motivation and goof knowledge on technology-integrated learning; second, they have positive perception on the use of Haba Inggreh learning application. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of mobile learning in the ELT process can enhance the students’ motivation and well as knowledge in language learning process.

Ibn Khaldun and Auguste Comte: A Comparative Analysis of the Founding Figures of Sociology

This paper presents a comparative analysis of the contributions of Ibn Khaldun, a 14th-century Arab scholar, and Auguste Comte, a 19th-century French philosopher, to the development of sociology. While Auguste Comte is widely acknowledged in the Western tradition as the “father of sociology,” Ibn Khaldun’s seminal work, “Muqaddimah”, place the Preliminary work for a systematic approach to social and historical analysis several centuries before Comte. Ibn Khaldun’s pioneering ideas on social cohesion, economic foundations, and the cyclical nature of civilizations challenge the conventional Eurocentric narrative that places the origins of sociological thought exclusively within Western intellectual history. This paper examines the methodologies, theories, and socio-historical contexts that shaped the works of both thinkers. Ibn Khaldun’s empirical observations and his concept of “asabiyyah” (social cohesion) are compared with Comte’s positivist approach and his “Law of Three Stages,” which posits the evolution of human thought from theological to metaphysical to positive. Despite the differences in their approaches, both scholars were deeply engaged with the fundamental processes governing social life and the forces driving social change. This study argues for a broader recognition of Ibn Khaldun’s role in the evolution of sociological thought, positioning him not merely as a precursor but as a co-founder of sociology alongside Comte. By doing so, it contributes to a more inclusive understanding of the global intellectual traditions that have shaped the discipline of sociology.

RDA Training Methods and Application Examples

The first standard rules for cataloging, Panizzi, were introduced. These rules, which have changed and developed in various periods, have been tried to be applied with Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC), which is a machine-readable data chart, with the change in information technologies in 1966. In the ongoing process, the second edition of AACR was published in 1978 due to difficulties in bibliographic identification of the diversified information sources. Between 2004-2005, the JSC (Joint Steering Committee for Revision of Anglo-American Cataloging Rules) group wanted to publish AACR 3 as a result of new needs in cataloging, but RDA (Resource Description and Access) was appropriate as the name for the new rules. seen. Since 2010, the new cataloging standard, RDA, has become widespread worldwide. The transition to RDA brought many changes with it. Providing the necessary training for the implementation of RDA is one of the starting points of this change. In the studies conducted on RDA in different countries, it has been understood that the subject of “RDA Education” is one of the important issues in the transition process. The methods to be followed while giving this training are very important. Similar and different methods for education have been developed between countries. The aim of this article is to help develop a method in RDA education in our country by examining the RDA education in these different countries.

Love for Sale: Virtual Lovers Rental Services in Indonesia

The way interpersonal relationships, particularly romantic ones, are formed has gradually transitioned to the virtual realm. Digital communication media now serve as platforms where users can meet and establish relationships without the constraints of physical distance and face-to-face interactions. The phenomenon of Virtual Lovers, originating in China, explains how individuals offer services as virtual partners to accompany clients. This relationship can be understood through the concept of Mediated Relationship, where romantic relationships flourish without contextual limitations, using digital communication as the primary medium. This study aims to explore the virtual communication process and interpersonal relationships of a Virtual Lover in their profession. Using a constructivist paradigm and a qualitative approach, this study aims to examine the experiences and values of Virtual Lovers in situational romantic interactions with their clients. It was found that a Virtual Lover communicates with their client in a situational romantic relationship, engaging in conversations or sharing stories about life’s problems. Virtual Lovers create a self-profile reflecting how they wish to be perceived through virtual communication. This exchange of information builds familiarity and trust as their knowledge of each other deepens. Despite not meeting face-to-face, Virtual Lovers feel their persona as a talent is distinct from their real-life self, where talent must listen attentively and adapt to the needs of their clients. Agencies acting as intermediaries between clients and talents enforce various regulations to protect the privacy and security of all parties involved.

Representation of Gender Ideology in the Novel Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura

The novel Raden Dewi Sartika is a graphic novel by E. Rokajat Asura. Through this novel the author represents the struggle of the character Raden Dewi Sartika in fighting for women’s education with all the problematic gender ideology that existed at that time. This research discusses the representation of gender ideology in the novel Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura, with the research focus being (1) the representation of forms of gender ideology in the novel Raden Dewi Sartika, (2) gender roles in the novel Raden Dewi Sartika, and (3) The meaning of gender ideology in the novel Raden Dewi Sartika. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive approach. This research method aims to analyze data by synthesizing data in the form of text and pieces of dialogue on the events narrated in the novel to describe the form of gender ideology, gender roles and the meaning of gender ideology in the novel Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura. The data source in this research is the novel Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura with a book thickness of 422 pages, and published by Imani in 2019. The aim of this research is to describe and explain the representation of gender ideology in the novel Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura , the gender roles of Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura, and the meaning of gender ideology in Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura. This research produces descriptive information, namely a description of the analysis of the data collected. The data collected is in the form of sentences and pieces of dialogue. The report in this research is in the form of quotation data which is an illustration of the research focus. The results of this research show that the representation of gender ideology There are three forms of gender ideology represented in the novel Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura, namely: (1) marginalization (control over women’s movements, (2) stereotypes (women as gentle creatures) , (3) subordination (the position of women). There are two representations of gender roles in the novel Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura, namely: (1) reproductive role (taking care of family needs and caring for the family), (2) social role (teaching to read wrote and founded a women’s school). The meaning of gender ideology in the novel Raden Dewi Sartika by E. Rokajat Asura is divided into two indicators, namely: (1) subject-object position (work opportunities are limited by gender and women’s desire to gain freedom in the public sphere ), (2) the reader’s position (traditional construction of women). The results of this research are only a small part of the forms and impacts of discrimination. For readers and future researchers, it is hoped that this research can increase knowledge about character discrimination.

Strategies for the Success of Leaders in Managing Non-Formal Schools in Remote Areas in Indonesia

This study examines the Leader’s success in managing the Nurul Huda Quran Education Park (TPQ) in Kampung Mamokeng, Tulehu Village, Maluku Tengah Regency in facing various challenges faced by educational institutions in disadvantaged areas. The research method used in this study is a case study research method. The study’s results found that TPQ Nurul Huda successfully created a collaborative and innovative environment through a participatory leadership style, which supports improving the quality of teaching and strengthening relationships with the local community. Utilizing local resources, including human resources, infrastructure, and local wisdom, is the primary key to overcoming existing limitations. Indicators of the success of TPQ Nurul Huda can be seen in the increasing quality of education, active community participation, and long-term impacts on students. The strategies implemented by TPQ leaders show that with a clear vision and inclusive leadership, non-formal educational institutions in disadvantaged areas can achieve significant success. This study emphasizes the importance of community-based leadership and utilization of local resources in creating quality education that positively impacts society.

Legal Position of a Deed of Release of Rights Made by a Notary for Building Use Rights Objects which the Term has expired

The position of land as an asset that drives the economy and has a positive impact on economic development and development. HGB can be given a maximum period of 30 years and can be extended for a maximum period of 20 years. An application for renewal of HGB can be submitted no later than 2 years after the period or extension ends, in Article 95 Number 2 of Permen ATR/BPN 18/2021. If no extension/renewal is made, based on Article 11 of Permen ATR/BPN 18/2021, land that has exceeded its rights period automatically becomes state land. An interesting legal issue to be studied in this study is the HGB object that is controlled for a period of 30 years by the rights holder but is not renewed/extended, after several years all heirs of the former HGB owner release it to the new rights recipient with compensation based on a deed of release of rights made by a Notary. The deed raises legal problems related to its validity and legal certainty, because the object is state land. The researcher determines the problem, namely: What is the legal status of a deed of release of rights made by a Notary for an HGB object whose term has expired? This research is a normative juridical study using a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and a historical approach. Research Results The legal status of a deed of release of rights for an HGB object is that the deed provides Priority Rights owned by the former HGB holder. This Priority Right can be used as a basis for the former rights holder to transfer his rights to the new rights owner. Because the HGB object whose term has expired is not the right of the HGB subject but state land, so the status of the deed of release is null and void.

The Impact of Social Support on the College Enrollment Aspirations of Ethnic Minority Vocational Students: A Case Study of a Modern Industrial College in Xinjiang

In recent years, China has been striving to enhance the quality of the population in ethnic minority areas, promote local talent cultivation, and accelerate local economic development by increasing investment in basic education resources and expanding enrollment in higher education. This study conducted semi-structured interviews with 27 ethnic minority students from a modern industrial college in Xinjiang to explore the influence of social support on academic aspirations. Employing qualitative research methods and drawing on the interview outline by Wang (2020), supported by Ajzen’s (1991) Theory of Planned Behavior, the study concludes that national policies, schools, teachers, and parents influence the academic aspirations of ethnic minority students. Based on these findings, the study suggests the effective implementation of relevant national policies and calls for schools, teachers, and parents to pay attention to and encourage the academic aspirations of ethnic minority students. This study inspires future scholars to pay more attention to the academic aspirations of ethnic minority students, aiming to provide them with more assistance and improve the overall education level of ethnic minority students.