Entries by Admin Ijssers

Instructional Coaching Through Technology Integration: Accompanying Teacher Services in the Digital Era of Education 5.0

In the era of Society 5.0, skills in the field of digitalization must be mastered by educators. This is because teaching and learning (TnL) in schools is no longer limited to pedagogy but also heutagogy, peeragogy, and cybergogy. In this regard, as an instructional coach, SISC+ not only emphasizes guiding teachers in their professional development […]

Kiai’s Strategy in Forming the Religious Character of Male Santri at the Darul Ulum Sampang Islamic Boarding School

This research aims to describe in depth about 1) how the kiai plan to shape the religious character of male students at the Darul Ulum Sampang Islamic Boarding School. 2) how to implement the kiai’s planning in shaping the religious character of male students at the Darul Ulum Sampang Islamic Boarding School. 3) evaluation and […]

Human Resource Management in Improving the Competence of Multisite Study Teachers at MAN 1 Tulungagung and MAN 2 Tulungagung

This research aims to find and analyze in depth related to: a) human resource planning in improving teacher competency, b) implementation of human resources in increasing teacher competency, c) evaluation of human resources in improving teacher competency, and d) follow-up of resources human resources in improving teacher competence. This research was carried out using a […]

Kiai’s Collective Leadership in Maintaining the Existence of Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri, East Java, Indonesia

This research focuses on the collective leadership of kiai at Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School in Kediri, with a particular emphasis on the role of the Board of Trustees and Welfare (BPK-P2L). The BPK-P2L, known as the Islamic Boarding School Development and Welfare Body, acts as the highest decision-making forum, ensuring policies align with the school’s […]

The Change Management in Maintaining the Existence of Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang Islamic Boarding School, Tanjunganom, Nganjuk, Indonesia

This research focuses on the rapid development of Islamic boarding schools, exploring the case of Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang in Nganjuk. The school, over 82 years old with 5000+ students, faces challenges and changes in the current educational landscape. Employing a qualitative case study approach, the study investigates change management strategies and their impacts on the […]

The Development of Role-Playing Learning Model Based on Ubrug Banten Local Wisdom to Enhance Students Religious Character and Collaborative Competence

Technological advances and the ease of carrying out various digital activities in society era 5.0 pose a risk to deviations in students’ character and social behavior. This study aims to develop a role-playing learning model based on Ubrug Banten local wisdom to enhance students’ religious character and collaborative competence. The research method for developing learning […]

The Legal Position of Limited Partnership in Indonesia through the Perspective of the Philosophy of Utilitarianism

A limited partnership (CV) is one of the most popular business entities for the public in building businesses through Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as a driver of the national economy. Regulations regarding CVs are regulated in the Commercial Code (KUHD), and Civil Code (KUHPerdata) as well as technical guidelines for registration and dissolution […]

Using Hybrid Learning To Improve the Effectiveness of Teaching Reading Comprehension Skills for English Major Students at a University in Hanoi

Hybrid learning, often referred to as technology-mediated instruction, web-enhanced instruction, or mixed-mode instruction, is a teaching methodology that integrates virtual learning resources and online engagement with traditional classroom techniques. The term “blended learning,” or “hybrid learning,” has gained a lot of traction, particularly in contexts related to tertiary education. An increasing number of educators are […]

Student Perception towards the Importance of Cultural Knowledge in Intercultural Communication

A trend that is unavoidable in an era of widespread international integration across numerous professions is intercultural communication. Cultural understanding is crucial for assessing the success of communication efforts when interacting with people from different cultures. The purpose of this study, which was carried out at a university in Hanoi, was to ascertain the degree […]