Entries by Admin Ijssers

Research Capability and Engagement among Public Elementary Teachers

One important factor for successful conduct of research is the researcher’s research capability and attitude. This study aimed at determining the research capability, and engagement among public elementary teachers. Moreover, it determined the relationship between the research capability and attitude and the level of research engagement of public elementary teachers of the three districts in […]

Enhancing Teacher Professional Development: Insight from Teacher Professional Learning Activities

This study employs a qualitative approach to investigate the influence of professional learning activities on teacher professional development. The study examines a range of learning activities, including workshops, seminars, and collaborative learning communities, and explores their impact on teacher practices, student engagement, and student outcomes. The researcher combined surveys and interviews to gather data from […]

Effects of Team Teaching and Lecture Method on the Retention of Physics Students in Secondary Schools in Delta State

This study investigated the effects of 5E-guided inquiry, team teaching, and lecture methods on physics students’ retention in Delta State. To guide the study, two research questions and two hypotheses were raised and tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The study used the quasi-experimental non-randomized pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test planned variation group design. […]

The Relationship between Welfare and Work Motivation with the Work Productivity of Family Planning Extension Workers in the Administrative City of East Jakarta

The formulation of the problem in formulation of the problem in the research is how much the relationship between welfare and work motivation partially and simultaneously with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration. This research aims to determine and examine the relationship between welfare and work motivation partially […]

Student Management in Inclusive Education in Improving the Quality of Graduates (Multicase Study at SDN Betet 1 Kediri City and MI Unggulan Darussalam Gembongan Ponggok Blitar)

The aim of this research is to describe in depth 1) the process of accepting new students in improving the quality of graduates. 2) coaching and developing students in inclusive education in improving the quality of graduates. 3) supervision of students in inclusive education in improving the quality of graduates. This research uses descriptive qualitative […]

Investigating Soft Skills that English Studies High Quality Program Students Gain After Participating in the Field Trip Course

This study aimed to investigate the soft skills that English studies high-quality program students gain after taking part in the field trip course. The quantitative and qualitative research was conducted at the School of Foreign Languages of Can Tho University (CTU). The participants were 196 English studies high-quality programs of the School of Foreign Languages, cohorts […]

Heartful Education. Benefits from Teaching Unity in Schools

Several papers indicate the benefits of an educational model based on the teaching of values, character strengths, and both academic and non-academic contents. In this paper, we proceed to review the most significant and relevant articles regarding this holistic educational approach which considers the spiritual heart as a fundamental pillar to connect mind, body, and […]

Basic Conciliation Models for Land Disputes in Ho Chi Minh City

One of the main factors causing land disputes in Ho Chi Minh City is urban planning, which is not considered enough and develops too quickly. Population density is increasing in limited urban space, leading to increased demand for land. This creates opportunities for investors, businesses, and individuals to access and purchase valuable land funds. Using […]

Measuring Mathematical Competence of Grade 3 Students in New General Curriculum: A Case of Vietnam

The general education curriculum promulgated by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training in 2018 has identified 10 common competencies that need to be formed and developed for students in the coming period, including computing capacity. The Math general education curriculum issued in 2018 helps students form and develop mathematical competence (the most concentrated expression […]