Entries by Admin Ijssers

Innovation Communication and its Challenges in The Metaverse Era

The emergence of digital technologies in human-computer interactions nowadays has brought new technological landscapes in many fast-paced developed areas including the innovation communication and metaverse. Innovation communication is relatively a new concept in the field of public relations communication, which is one of the most important elements in integrated marketing communications. Current technological trend development […]

Managing Sustainable Education for Social Studies and Economics Reactive Students in Post Covid 19 Era: A Case Study of Public Schools in Orlu Senatorial Zone, Imo State, Nigeria

The researchers investigated managing sustainable education for economics and social studies reactive students in post COVID 19 era: a case study of public schools in Orlu Senatorial Zone, Imo State, Nigeria. The study adopted a survey design carried out in public secondary schools in Orlu Senatorial Zone, Imo State. The population of the study consist […]

The Effectiveness of the E-Filing Programme in Order to Improve Compliance with the Reporting of Annual Income Tax Returns (SPT) for Individuals at The Surabaya Wonocolo Pratama tax Service Office

In an effort to maximise taxpayer compliance, the Directorate General of Taxes is transforming and reforming the tax system, one of which is the e-filing program for individual taxpayer reporting. Electronic reporting in the e-filing system is also carried out by taxpayers registered at KPP Pratama Surabaya Wonocolo. This study aims to analyse the effectiveness […]

The Influence of Young Leadership and Psychological Wellbeing on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable

Employee performance is a benchmark for a company to achieve its goals quickly and accurately. This research aims to determine employee performance influenced by young leadership and psychological well-being, both directly and indirectly through job satisfaction as a mediator. The research sample consists of 165 employees with the position of Unit Head spread across branches […]

Mondica Mondiale Action in Afghanistan: Representing the Struggle of Afghan Women Post-Taliban Return in 2021

The Taliban regime returned to power in 2021, overthrowing the United States-created Afghan government and reintroducing restrictive policies on women’s rights. These policies included banning female students from universities, dismissing female government employees, and restricting women from traveling long distances alone. In response, Afghan women initiated social movements, forming women’s organizations and taking to the […]

Black Women’s Revolt in the Struggle for Freedom: An Exploration of Toni Morrison’s Selected Novels

This research work is about black women’s contribution in the struggle for black freedom in America as dramatized in Toni Morrison’s works. Drawing from the New Historicism, the psychological and sociological approaches which allow to enlighten a literary text within its socio-historical dimension, it purports to highlight strategies of revolt settled by black female characters […]

The Influence of the Reading Medium on Learning Efficacy

This paper outlines the differences between electronic and printed reading comprehension for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. It explores which sources EFL students prefer and the reasons behind that; whether the reading mode influences the comprehension of the material being read; and which reading strategies are applied to each reading mode. We hypothesize […]