Vol 3 No 6(2023)

Pedagogical Practices among Teachers in a Private School: A Survey

Syed Ismail Syed Mustapa1, Ahmad Subki Miskon2

1Research and Innovation Planning Center, Malaysia Teacher Education Institute, Cyberjaya, Malaysia

2Department of Planning, Research and Innovation, Special Education Campus, Malaysia Teacher Education Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Page No. 963-969

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Effects of Inquiry and Discussion Methods on Secondary School Biology Students’ Achievement and Attitudes in Delta Central Senatorial District

OMOVIE, Akpevweoghene Anthony1, KPANGBAN, Emperor (PhD)2

1,2 Department of Science Education, Delta State University, Abraka

Page No. 970-974

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Juridical Review of the Honorarium Received Advocates from the Crime of Money Laundering

Gatot Triyanto1, Frandy Risona Tarigan2, Echwan Iriyanto3, Encik Lukmanul Hakim4

1,2,4 Lecture in Faculty of Law, Moch. Sroedji University Jember

3 Lecture in Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Page No. 975-981

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Youth Entrepreneurship in Africa and Development Growth “Options and Challenges”

Dr. Mory Sumaworo

(BA, MCL, Cert in PFM Law, PhD.)

Lecturer @ Cuttington University Graduate School of Global Affairs and Policy, AMEU Graduate School and visiting lecturer at the Liberian Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Executive Director of the African Institute for Development Research (AIDER),

CEO of GBI Group of Companies.

Page No. 991-998

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Implementation of Quality Improvement Strategies of Islamic Education Institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik Indonesia

Muhammad Arif Syihabuddin1, Mujamil Qomar2, Prim Masrokan Mutohar3

1,2,3. UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung Indonesia

Page No. 1011-1018

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Syakur Yasin's Perspective on Religious Pluralism in Developing Islamic Education in Indramayu, Indonesia

Asep Darmawan1, Dedi Djubaedi2, Huriyah Huriyah3, Suklani Suklani4

1 Doctoral Student, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia

2,3 Professor, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia

4 Assoc. Prof., Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia

Page No. 1039-1046

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Bargaining Position of The Government in the Mining Sector Regarding the Change to a Special Mining Business Permit

Qurrotul Umniyah1, Maria Ulfa Tuzzitqiah2, Isma Wardatus Sholehah3

1,2,3 Student of the Master of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Page No. 1047-1053

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Aspects of Legal Protection by the State Against Victims of Child and Women Trade

Putri Hilma Badriyanti1, Betty Romantika2, Muhammad Fatoni Kurniawan3

1,2,3 Student of the Master of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Page No. 1054-1063

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Mother Goddess Worship and its Influence on the Spiritual and Cultural Life in Vietnam Today

Dr. Do Thanh Do1, MA. Le Thi Anh Tuyet2

1,2 University of Finance and Accountancy, Viet Nam

Page No. 1064-1067

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Legal Certainty on Asset Return Procedure from Proceedings of Corruption Criminal Acts to Return Losses to the State

Beren Rukur Ginting1, Cuk Indah Mardianto2, Raden Yudhi Teguh Santoso3

1,2,3 Student of the Master of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Page No. 1068-1074

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Intensification of Taxation and Increasing Taxpayer Compliance through the Voluntary Disclosure Program

Ida I Dewa Ayu Mas Manik Sastri1, Luh Kade Datrini2, Ni Putu Pertamawati3

1,2,3 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Warmadewa Denpasar

Page No. 1103-1109

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Pedagogical Experiences of Student Teachers and Teacher Educators on Teaching Practice in Selected Colleges of Education in Zambia

Kalisto Kalimaposo1, Frinah Chidakwa2, Kaiko Mubita3, Sanny Mulubale4, Chivunda Kaumba5

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 University of Zambia, School of Education, Lusaka, Zambia.

Page No. 1110-1116

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Factor Affecting Business Sustainability of MSMEs in Gresik Regency

Febbyana Intan Gresya1, Yuniningsih Yuniningsih2

1,2Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Page No. 1117-1122

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Marketing Based Product and Accounting Bookkeeping of Silver Industry in Sukawati Gianyar

I Gede Nyoman Carlos W. Mada1, Putu Yudha Asteria Putri2, I Gusti Ayu Ratih Permata Dewi3

1,2,3 Warmadewa University

Page No. 1123-1126

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Assistance for Broiler Carcas Evaluation and Marketing Management in Gianyar District

Ni Made Yudiastari1, Putu Yudha Asteria Putri2, I Gede Nyoman Carlos W. Mada3

1,2,3 Warmadewa University

Page No. 1127-1129

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary through Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Great Aceh

  1. Muhammad Nasir1, Ama Julma Naytsa2

1,2 Department of English, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia

Page No. 1130-1135

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